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AS THE MOON SHONE BRIGHTLY, THE FOUR GRYFFINDORS WALKED SLOWLY DOWN THE STAIRS. They all stopped, abruptly, when they heard croaking.

"Trevor," Harry said in a worried tone. "Trevor, shh!," Ron's whispered yell was barely heard due to the crackling fire. "We are going to be sold out by Neville's toad. You shouldn't be here," Gemini groaned out in annoyance. Their first stealthy mission was about to go downhill all because of that wandering slimeball. Neville appeared from behind an armchair, and his voice startled them, "Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?" They all glanced at one another, and Gemini found herself impressed by the dramatics Neville was displaying. "Now, Neville. Listen," Harry had whispered out. "No! I won't let you," Neville yelled out as he stood. "You'll get Gryffindor in trouble again. I-I'll fight you," he finished.

Gemini sighed at the sight of his raised fists. "Neville. I'm really, really sorry about this," she said solemnly. Gemini already had her wand drawn, and before anyone could react she yelled, "Petrificus Totalus!" Neville became frozen and fell backwards onto the ground. "You're a little scary sometimes," Ron gulped out. "Brilliant but scary," Harry added on before he said, "Let's go." As they walked by Neville they all whispered out their apologies. "It is for your own good, you know," Ron said. Gemini, however, placed a pillow under Neville's head. "For your own good? Honestly, you sound like a Mother. There you go Neville. You won't have a crick in your neck when you are able to move. Don't worry, it only lasts a couple of minutes...maybe an hour at most."

Harry's heart warmed from the girl's actions. None of the others had thought to do so. She was so compassionate and she didn't even realize it.

"Ow! You stood on my foot," Hermione yelled out in pain. "Sorry," Ron said unapologetically because he was too focused on not getting caught. When they reached their destination Gemini had already pulled her wand out of her hair. "Alohomora," she said steadily. Before they could walk in Harry grasped her wrist gently. She quirked an eyebrow in his direction, curious as to why he stopped her. He reached out and quietly placed a hair tie in the hand he held. "You left it in the common room one day. I just have kept it on my wrist in case you ever forget one. I know you don't like having your hair down when you are doing something taxing. I remember you said how it makes your curls frizzy if it isn't up in these situations." Despite the circumstances, Gemini offered him a beaming smile. "Thank you, Harry," she whispered out. On the inside, she was positive her heart had just skipped a beat. Perhaps Hermione was right when she told Gemini that Harry liked her for more then just her looks. The boy blushed and then they all headed in.

"Wait a minute. He's...sleeping," Ron stated as the dog snored loudly. "Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp," Harry assumed as he motioned towards a harp resting in the corner. They all carefully approached the sleeping dog. "Ugh. It's got horrible breath," Ron let out. Harry nodded before he said, "We have to move its paw." That statement caused him to receive an incredulous look. "What?," Ron dumbly asked.

"Come on!," Harry said urgently. They all grabbed at the large paw that was blocking the trapdoor. "Okay, push," Hermione said meekly. They were able to move the weight off of the door, even if it was a strained effort. They opened it up and peered down into the darkness. "Okay. I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign. If something bad happens then get yourselves out of here....Does it seem a bit...quiet?," Harry exclaimed in a hushed tone. "The harp. It has stopped playing," Hermione said gravely.

Drool from one of the dog's heads dropped down onto Ron's shoulder. "Ew! Yuck," Ron shouted as he was understandably grossed out. All four of the kids looked up to see Fluffy, high on alert. The dog growled threateningly. Then, out of no where, Fluffy broke the harp in two and started to dive at the Gryffindors. "Jump! Go!," Harry commanded as he pulled Gemini into his arms. They all fell through the hole without a second thought. "Ahhh!," Ron piercingly yelled out as they descended. A relived gasp was expelled when they landed on some mushy black vines. "Whoa," Ron breathed out, "Lucky this plant thing is here, really." Not even a second later Ron began to regret his words. The plant had begun moving and tying the children up. "Stop moving, all of you!," Gemini yelled out, "This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax. If you don't, it will only kill you faster." After she warned them all, Gemini quickly racked her brain on what to do. "Kill us faster?! Oh, now I can relax!," Ron roared in horror.

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