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PROFESSOR FLITWICK REMINDED GEMINI OF THE DWARVES IN SNOW WHITE. That thought alone made it harder on her to concentrate in his class.

The Ravenclaw Head Of House was such a short man. So tiny, in fact, that he was teaching them while perched on numerous books. Gemini was not one to laugh at others dispositions, but her mind was in hyper focus today. She would either fixate on one thing for too long; or not be focusing hard enough. Last night for her punishment she had to file away old detention slips with the Weasley twins. The amount of times she saw her Mother's name, and even her Father's, had thrown her off today. George had told her it explained her amazingness, so she supposed it made it better.

Flitwick, in his squeaky voice, said to the class, "One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers? Good. Now, uh, don't forget the precise wrist movement we've been practicing, hmmm? The swish and flick. Everyone. The swish and flick. Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then." Gemini was sat in between Harry, who had complimented her on various occasions on her hair today, and Seamus Finnigan. They were sat behind Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. At least something interesting might happen is all that Gemini had prayed for. Being stuck with her thoughts had to be some form of torture.

"Wingardrium Leviosar," Ron stated while whacking his wand about. Gemini chuckled over the boy's aggressive frustration. "Stop, stop, stop," Hermione bellowed out, "You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you are saying it wrong. It's Leviosa, not Leviosar." Ron was embarrassed from her strident correction and retaliated, "You do it then if you're so clever. Go on, go on." He waved his hand at her absentmindedly. Gemini, who had been watching the whole thing instead of working, watched as Hermione straightened up. Oh, this was going to be fun. As she swished her wand; Hermione confidently said the incantation, "Wingardium Leviosa." The feather glowed and lifted up almost immediately. Ron's head hit his books dejectedly. Hermione Granger was a brilliant witch.

Flitwick joyously praised Hermione, "Oh, well done. See here, everyone! Miss. Granger's done it. Oh, splendid." Everyone was too focused on Hermione's successful development to notice Seamus violently waving his wand about. Abruptly, there was a loud boom. Seamus' feather had exploded, and some of the soot had gotten onto Gemini's silver scrunchie. "Whoa," Professor Flitwick squeaked in shock.

Harry began to brush the soot off of Gemini before he said, "I think we're going to need another feather over here, Professor." The tiny man grumbled, and as he turned Harry focused all of his attention back onto Gemini. "You okay, beautiful?", he asked cheekily. She rolled her eyes, "Just peachy, Potter."

Harry, Ron, Neville, and Seamus walked through the courtyard amongst other students. Gemini had taken to walking with Hermione, and every few seconds Harry would be caught glancing back in her direction. He really wasn't paying much attention to what the other lads were saying. "It's Leviosa, not Leviosar," Ron hissed, "'Honestly, she's a nightmare. No wonder she hasn't got any friends."

Hermione suddenly hustled past them and sniffling could be heard. "I think she heard you, mate," Seamus said awkwardly.

Gemini Lupin-Black suddenly stood in front of all the boys, and her eyes were narrowed in anger. Harry could have sworn the silver orbs flashed a threatening gold for a split second. Her nose was scrunched up and her natural red lips were in a pout. A layer of pink dusted the top of her cheeks, and she thrusted the books she was holding into Harry's arms. Harry knew he shouldn't be thinking this...but Merlin, was Gemini pretty when she was angry. "Ronald Billius Weasley," Gemini growled out in anger, "I like you, mate. As your friend, I am going to tell you that just because someone is smarter than you; that does NOT give you the right to be an absolute git towards them. If you would have retrieved your head out of your ass, you would have been able to understand she was trying to help you! She only got haughty when you acted like a little bitch. For your information, I am her friend. As her friend, this is me warning you that I WILL slap you the next time you say something negative about Hermione Granger!" They had all of the surrounding students' attention now. Though only being here for a few weeks, they knew Gemini was not a force to be reckoned with. She got detention her first day, and on the second day she had dropped a goblet of gillywater over a gossiper's head. Ron simply sputtered in her direction; unable to form a sentence because he was rightly scared.

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