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GEMINI SAT ON A ROUGH STOOL, IN HER FIRST HERBOLOGY LESSON OF THE YEAR, WITH RED LIPS JUTTED; FORMING A POUT. Her narrowed silver eyes bore into the side of Hermione's head. After hearing about Gemini's recent adventure, her friend made a promise to herself to try and keep the girl in check; this meant dragging her to class ten minutes in advance. Typically, Gemini would've already greeted Peeves the Poltergeist by now; who for some reason held an unusual fondness for the young Lupin-Black. Surely there was nothing good to come out of that, and the consequences could be worse considering current events.

"Oh, honestly. Stop shooting me crude looks. I am just making sure you don't pull anything else. You are skating on thin ice right now, and if you put a toe out of line you might actually get expelled," Hermione huffed out. The glare didn't waver. Gemini knew her friend only had her best interests in mind, but Hermione had taken it too far this morning. "I am not bothered you prevented me from seeing Peevesy. Him and I have already pushed our opening prank to a later date, all thing's considered. But you, Hermione whisked me away before I could even finish my chocolate chip pancakes! So, excuse me if I am annoyed," she growled. The other female deadpanned from the dramatics. Directly after her rant, someone tapped the obvious irate girl's shoulder. "What!," she snapped; turning around fiercely. In front of her stood Harry Potter. A perfectly trimmed eyebrow rose questionably in his direction, and for a second he nearly got lost her shining eyes. He wondered if she realized they sometimes flashed an amber gold when angered. Quickly, he held his hand out to her; palm facing upwards. Nestled in his fingers was a chocolate frog. "Here you go, Gem," he offered cheekily. The girl wanted to retaliate from his evident impertinence, but the sight of the treat clearly caught her attention.

"Is the Boy-Wonder so magnificent that he can magically make chocolate appear?," she jokingly asked. Towards the end of last year it had seemed that Harry always had some type of candy on his person. Whenever Gemini found herself down he would pull out a random sweet and offer it to her, mainly chocolate frogs. "Would it impress you if I said yes?," Harry pondered seriously. She rolled her eyes and gently attained the treat. "Thanks, Potter," the girl stated. She sent him an appreciative smile before she tore into the packaging. Grasping her hands around the sweet, she broke it off into two and nonchalantly gave him the other piece. Harry watched her turn back to face Hermione and bite into the, now still, wizard's chocolate. Despite his constant flirting with the girl, Harry couldn't find the courage within him to tell her that he wasn't much of a chocolate person. He only started to regularly carry the sweets around because he knew of the girl's outrageous sweet tooth.

Hermione watched Harry inconspicuously slide the treat over to Ron and, with a mere glance, observed the situation understandably. Merlin, Gemini proved to be so oblivious at times.

The rest of the Gryffindor class piled into the greenhouse. "Detention. On the first Day," Neville deadpanned as he sat in front of Gemini. The two of them had formed a close bond over the summer; when the female had discovered he'd never had anyone write to him before and proceeded to owl him everyday without fault. Hearing his voice, the girl shot her head up and enthusiastically nodded. "Received it on one of my worst days, too. Proves the prankster in me is elite," Gemini boastfully exclaimed. Hermione delivered a stern look, "There is no need to sound proud about it." Seamus slid into the seat beside Neville, "That must be some kind of record." The statement was directed towards Harry, but he had already zoned out of the conversation; focusing his attention on the overjoyed girl to his left. Hermione shot Harry a knowing glance and tried to direct the concentration off of him, "I should think you'd count yourselves lucky that's all you got." Ron, who was nearly as oblivious as Gemini, assumed the girl was chastising them. "I should think you'd mind your own business," he offered her a glare that she returned easily.

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