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GEMINI HAD ALWAYS BEEN A HEAVY SLEEPER. She was going to use that as her explanation in hopes Minnie didn't decapitate her. Her untied laces thudded as she ran throughout the castle; with Ron and Harry in tow. They were all exactly twenty minutes late to Transfiguration. The girl was positive Hermione had tried waking her up, but truthfully no one but her Father had ever been able to successfully.

The boys, and herself, all uncoincidently met up in the common room at the same time before rushing to their first class. Of course, Gryffindors first class of the term had to be with Professor McGonagall. As they rushed in; Gemini eyed the familiar tabby cat resting on a mahogany desk. The girl almost winced at the sight. "Whew," Ron started off, "Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" That time, Gemini did outwardly wince. What a dunderhead. The feline jumped off of the desk and transformed into Professor McGonagall. The two boy's stood amazed as Gemini smiled brightly at their Professor. "That was bloody brilliant," Ron breathed out. McGonagall glowered, sternly, at them all. "Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Maybe if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter or Miss. Lupin-Black into a pocket watch; perhaps one of you would be on time," the elder witch chided. "We got lost," Harry weakly tried to defend themselves. Gemini grimaced as McGonagall turned to her knowingly, "Then perhaps a map? Although, Gemini does know the way to my classroom. I trust you don't need anything to find your seats." Well, there goes that lie. "Sorry Minnie," Gemini apologetically responded. The children ran towards available seating, attempting to avoid anymore negative encounters with Minerva McGonagall.

Gemini beamed at Hermione in appreciation; as the girl had saved her a spot. Front and center, of course. Once everyone was situated; McGonagall began her teaching, "Transfiguration is some of the most complex, dangerous and valuable magic magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Use it skillfully and it may, one day, save your life. Make a mistake and you could find yourself with a toad's head and a monkey's tail."

Though, this morning got off to a rough start; nothing could compare to Professor Snape's potions class.

The student's all chattered amongst one another, concerning the wonders they'd experienced so far; bubbling cauldrons surrounded them in solidification of such a marvel. They were all really in attendance at this magical castle; it wasn't only a dream. - Suddenly, the entryway flung open and Severus Snape tread inside. Gemini, who contentedly rested to the right of Harry, mockingly quirked an eyebrow in the direction of the boy. Dramatic much? Harry had no time to react; For, the Potions Masters immediately began to talk, "There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However; For those select few who possess the predisposition, I teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death..," the man paused for a moment when he viewed Harry; who was vigorously writing it all down, "..Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention." Gemini, swiftly, jabbed Harry in the ribs when she saw detected the glare Snape had set on him.

"Mr. Potter. Our new...celebrity," Snape jeered, "Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Harry had shrugged to each of the queries thrown his way; All the while, Hermione Granger's hand continued to remain raised subsequent to the first question. "I don't know, sir," Harry answered in honesty. From his admission; Snape appeared to be disgusted yet victorious at the same time. "Pity," he drawled, "Clearly, fame isn't everything. Is it, Mr.Potter?" Harry glanced back down to his parchment instead of retaliating against the coarse adult. He only wished for a grand time away from relatives, and this Professor certainly wasn't aiding in that department. - Gemini, however, scoffed loudly from his declaration. Snape, quickly, turned in on her, "Oh, yes...Miss. Lupin-Black. Is there something you found funny during that conversation? Do tell?" He sneered at her, expectant of her to cower back, but he didn't know she truly was Sirius Black 2.0.

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