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"DARLING," HARRY SMOOTHLY BEGUN, "DID YOU HAVE TO STRIKE HIM SO RUTHLESSLY?" Lockhart, in a daze, stumbled into the bathroom, ahead of the triad; whom all held their wands threateningly towards him. Gemini flouted, "Darling? That's a new one. Anyways, he is lucky I only hit him." The purple that had formed on Lockhart's cheekbone could disagree, or the increasing embarrassment within him. Ron, wand slippery in his grip, chuckled, "Made me feel better. Best day of my life watching that; let me tell you."

Upon their entrance; Moaning Myrtle soared over the cracked cistern, "Who's there? Oh...Hello, Harry. What do you want?" It was overt that this ghoul had found herself infatuated by The Boy-Who-Lived; possibly due to his paucity of mockery. Bluntly; Harry responded, "To ask you how you died." Rather than her usual defensive nature; Myrtle assumed a flattered tone, "Oh, it was dreadful! It happened right here, in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying, and then I heard someone come in." Harry continued; desperate for any lead, "Who was it, Myrtle?" In response; the spirit wailed, "I don't know! I was distraught! But they said something funny; a kind of made-up language. Furthermore, I realized it was a boy speaking. So I unlocked the cubicle, to tell him to go away, and...I died." Well, that was bizarre. "Just like that? How?," Harry questioned. Myrtle, pointing to the bank of sinks, explained, "No idea. I just remember seeing a pair of great big yellow eyes, over there."

The Gryffindor's hurried over to the area she'd motioned at; examining the pipes below, the tile above, then...Gemini saw it. Etched on one of the copper taps was a miniature snake. "This is it," the girl versed, "This is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets." In shock; the ginger instructed, "Say something, Harry. Say something in Parseltongue." Harry self-consciously stared off at the tiny snake; commanding, "Open up." Ron and Gemini shook their heads disapprovingly; Harry had spoken in his regular voice. "English," Weasley briefed. Harry concentrated harder this time, staring so intensely that the snake almost appeared alive to the boy. When, finally, he spoke...more like hissed. "I will concede that him speaking Parseltongue is quite attractive," Gemini admitted. Ron, who did not have time for them to figure their feelings out, confessed, "Oi! Harry. Gem thinks it's hot when you speak like a snake. Keep it up, Mate." On account of a blushing Boy Wonder's exaction; the circular group of sinks opened and a large, gaping pipe became exposed.

"Excellent, Harry," Gilderoy Lockhart commented; making his presence again known, "Good work. Well then, I'll just be going. There's no need for me." Gemini, gesturing her wand back and forth between the opening and the professor, snarled, "Oh, yes there is. You first." The man attempted to talk himself out of impending doom, "Now, students. What good will that do?" Seething; Ron exclaimed, "A bloody lot of good if it's a two-hundred-foot drop onto jagged rocks." The red-heads enragement was understood, but Gemini laughed at the confirmation of it in his declaration. Grimly; Lockhart stepped up to the dark, chasmal hole. "Right then," Gemini muttered, giving the older man a harsh shove into the unknown. He toppled headfirst and out of sight. "Merlin, Gem," Harry admonished, "Lay off a bit. I don't want you sent to Azkaban for murder." The raven-haired boy looked to Ron for agreement, but he merely shrugged; divulging, "She beat me to it."

Seconds later; Lockhart's voice rang out, "It's really quite filthy down here." Emeralds rolled; instructing his friends, "All right. Let's go." Before they made a move to jump; Myrtle's voice cut through the terse environment, "Oh, Harry. If you die down're welcome to share my toilet." The boy grimaced, "Thanks Myrtle. Gem, ladies first." Due to the exchange she had just witnessed, laughter sounded as Gemini Lupin-Black dove down the aperture. The boys closely followed.

The three slid, in a hair-raising vertical plummet, down rusted pipes at a rapid rate. They caught fleeting glimpses of one another as they coasted downwards. Also viewing an entire system of smaller pipes that branched off in all directions, twisting and turning until the channel leveled off. No wonder the creature proved successful in its attacks; it had access to all of the castle.

SABAISM | H. POTTER Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora