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On her birthday, July 13th, Lupin had gifted her an easel and some paints. It was always a guilty pleasure of hers. When all of her canvases had artwork splashed about them, she painted every square inch in their house that her Dad allowed. She took advantage of that, because due to her being grounded he had taken away her chest full of joke products for the summer. Fred and George had been more upset then she had over it, because the three of them were looking to open a joke shop together. That trunk held a majority of their formulas, ingredients, and test products. The trunk had found a new home situated under her Dad's bed.

She found herself flooing over a lot to the group of ginger's house whilst her father taught summer classes. The twins were glued to her hip, she often found herself discussing Quidditch statistics with Ron, and on more occasions than one she was found braiding Ginny's hair. She would bring her Dad plates full of Mrs. Weasley's cooking, and though her Dad made sure they always had something; this was the best they had eaten in a while. She joined him thrice for their full moon encounters, and his wolf form ran around joyously with her animagus.

She had even ventured out to stay a few days with Hermione and her family. It took Remus a lot of convincing because her Father was always overly protective, but the Granger's were surprisingly laid back. It made Gemini wonder where her best friends uptight nature stemmed from. They allowed her and Hermione to venture out to London alone; while there they visited art museums, had a glorious picnic, and stayed a majority of the time tucked away in a library. Her summer was filled to the brim of paint smudges, old books, and laughter.

Only one thing had managed to dampen her constant good mood, and that thing was Harry bloody Potter. He had not responded to a single of her letter's she delivered him, and she thought a boy who claimed to have affections for someone would at least write back. She even had sent him a batch of treacle tart for his birthday, and he had the nerve to not even send a thank you letter in response. Gemini Lupin-Black did not chase after boys for it was the other way around.

Remus and Gemini were eating dinner with the Weasley's that night. The potato soup had warmed her insides, but her mind was a cool place as she plotted the murder of Harry Potter. Unlike Voldemort she would succeed because the evil sorcerer was never confused like this. "I am worried about Harry," Ron whispered out. This statement pulled Gemini out of her train of thought. "Why?" she snapped out. She knew her tone was a bit too harsh as even the twins, who had been listening in on their conversation, let out an identical flinch. An apology was said and then she stared at Ron intently. "He, uh...he hasn't responded to my letters," Ron let out meekly.

Now that was peculiar. This whole time Gemini was boiling over her unanswered letters, and she had spent a significant amount of time trying to understand what she did. Harry had made her insecure and she hated it, but she couldn't help it. The Boy-Who-Lived would have never ignored Ron, though. The two of them had a similar relationship like herself and Hermione. There wasn't a thing Harry wouldn't do for Ron, and that statement was valid for herself as well even if she couldn't see it. There had been enough waiting done on hertz part and she was done. "That is the last straw," she muttered out. The three boys looked at her in confusion but she paid them no mind.

She cleared her throat before she said, "Hey, Daddy. Mrs. Weasley. Would it be alright if I stayed the night tonight? I don't wish to intrude, but I would just like another summer night with my friends before school started." Her reasoning seemed plausible enough and it wasn't as if this was the first time she had stayed. Mrs. Weasley was the first to answer, "Of course, Dear! Your cot is still in the twins room from last time. It wouldn't be a bother at all." The first time she had stayed over they had magicked a comfortable cot in Ginny's room, and the reasoning behind it being they both were females. Gemini, who was a strong supporter of feminism and LGBTQ, had offered a long winded speech the next morning about how it was utterly rude people assumed not all guy's could control themselves. She also said she could have harbored an interest in Ginny, but they had assumed close minded things. She had claimed there were no romantic feelings between her and any of the red heads, George's meaningless flirting was no help, and demanded to stay with Fred and George. Nothing was wrong with Ginny, but they all wanted to work on their products whenever they had a chance. The Weasley's were slightly embarrassed so they agreed, and in spite of her mischievous nature; Remus Lupin had a lot of trust in her.

Remus, having seen that troublesome glint in her silver orbs, hesitated before he said, "Alright, My Gem. I will see you tomorrow. Don't have too much fun." His daughter nodded in a hurried agreement before she wrapped her arms around his wiry frame. "I love you!," and he shared her affections before flooing home to their warm cottage.

Gemini had slightly taken over Fred and George's room the more she stayed, but they didn't mind. She now had her own dresser for articles of clothing, her paints were scattered throughout the room, and her books were mixed in with the twins' quidditch magazines.

The three boy's looked ridiculous sitting amongst the various stuffed animals Mrs.Weasley had knitted for Gemini in her free time, and Fred listened to the girl's plan intently whilst he held a green dragon. Gemini thought it could possibly be because of the way Fred eyed her cousin, but she would never say it out loud to him. "Alright, do you guy's understand?," Gemini asked. They all nodded their heads respectively. "I think you make me fall in love with you more each day," George said as he dramatically grasped at his chest. "Oi! Harry called dibs," Ron shouted angrily. They all shot him a curious look but Gemini responded, "George, you only love me for my evil brain. Ron, do shut up. We will meet downstairs at 1:00 am exactly. Fred, you will be in charge of driving. George, you will be in charge of bringing the grappling hook. Ron, you are the lookout. In case anything happens I will be the distraction. You have my permission to put blame on me if this all goes to hell. Something to say?"

They boys all looked at her in awe. "You are wicked," Fred said with no room for argument. "Yeah, well. Potter is not gonna think so if he doesn't have a good reason for ignoring us," she said seriously.

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