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"YOU KNOW THAT ONE RIGHT THERE IS ME. ONE OF THE BRIGHTEST, DON'T YOU THINK?," GEMINI ASKED WHILE POINTING TOWARDS THE STARS. They all sat in Arthur Weasley's flying car, headed to confront Harry Potter during the witching hour. It was perfectly ironic.

"Gem, I am going to be honest with you. Those stars all look the same to the rest of us," Ron explained cautiously. The Weasley boy's had dealt with Gemini's astronomy obsession since they had taken flight. Fred and George hadn't complained because they found her usual ramblings endearing, but Ron's fear of heights had made him easily frustrated. "Just trying to ease your mind, Ronald. You have no class," she humphed dramatically. Ron rolled his eyes, "LB, it isn't that serious. Don't get your knickers in a twist." The older ginger's gasped at Ron's daring nature. "You on a suicide mission, Mate?," George asked in fear. Merlin, he was going to meet his end. One look in the rearview mirror stultified that assumption. Gemini looked incandescent.

"I AM GOING TO THROW YOU OUT OF THIS FUCKING CAR," Gemini screeched as she grasped Ron's shirt collar. She was much stronger then she looked. "Merlin, woman!," he squealed out in fright. He knew he had gone too far, and he was so pale his freckles couldn't be seen. "YOU ARE THE MOST-," her yells were shushed desperately by Fred. "Oi!," the driver whisper shouted, "Firstly, you almost made me wreck. Secondly, don't curse because you are twelve. Thirdly, we are nearly there. You can kill Ronald when we are finished with our mission ." George snorted at the word mission. He made some valid points, and Gemini knew if a boy fell midair there could be an uproar from the Muggle's. Ron was reluctantly set free, and all of the boy's felt relieved. Gemini's murderous glare was broke, however, when George exclaimed, "Look! We are here, Love. Cheer up."

The four's slyness had to be put into question. Harry Potter slept soundly; until he heard what sounded like a car engine. It was such a deafening hum, that he scrambled to his window to make sure his neighborhood wasn't under attack. Peeking out from behind the bars, Harry did not see what he'd originally expected. There were no car's consumed by fire on the asphalt, and it certainly looked how one would think it be at 3:00 am. Dobby probably just made him paranoid, he thought. Still, he looked around before he decided to lay back down. He could've sworn there was a strange object moving through the sky. At first glance, it appeared to be a shooting star. Harry needed all the luck he could get, and boyishly made a wish upon it. But the one beam of light turned into two, and he began to question his sanity. Harry knew he was a little hazy. He furiously rubbed at his glasses, but when he looked up he could see a turquoise Ford Angelia zooming through the air towards him.

Fred had pulled up to Number 4 Privet Drive, and situated the car to the right side of the house at the second story. "How do we know this is the correct room?," Ron queried. George winced before he said, "Uh...those help a bit, I suppose." Gemini and Ron glanced in the direction of George's gaze. In the moonlight they could see the glinting of silver. "Are...Are those bars?," Gemini hissed out. They all knew it wasn't the best for Harry at home, but none had realized it was this serious. Ron swallowed in terror. Seconds before Gemini had the chance of exploding she heard, "Guys?," Harry Potter stared at them hopefully through the bars. "Hiya, Harry!," Ron exclaimed; attempting to try and ease the tension.

The Boy-Who-Lived found himself dumbstruck. The Weasley twins, Ron, and Gemini were all there. He silently rejoiced that his wish was coming true. Should he thank Merlin? "What are you all doing here?," he asked breathlessly. Harry was afraid he would wake up at any second and it be a cruel dream. "That would be me. I was troubled you didn't respond to any of my letters, but when I heard you didn't respond to Ron...we came to confront you. Questions later, though. We are now rescuing you, of course," Gemini heatedly informed him. Harry's heart raced at hearing she cared for him, and the intense stare she was giving him made it that much worse. She had grown over the summer. Gemini's mahogany locks were longer, her cheeks rosier, her cheekbones sharper, and her lips seemed fuller. Her beauty, inside and out, was libel to give him a heart attack. She was his savior in multiple ways she would never see. "Gemini, you are a sight for sore eyes, but how do you lot plan on getting me out of here?," Harry asked as he gestured towards the bars on his window, "You can't use magic outside of Hogwarts." "You forget who came up with this plan, Harry," Ron stated a bit nervously as he glanced at Gemini. The girl held a grappling hook and had a menacing aura around her.

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