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STUDENTS EXITED THE TRAIN AND ENTERED INTO THE DARK OF NIGHT. Gemini had grasped Harry Potter's robe in order to not get flung about, and Harry had grabbed Ron in a similar fashion. Gemini's robes shimmered grandly, while Ron's secondhand silks showed a bit too much sneaker. However, Gemini's were only grand due to this being her first year.

    Immediately upon departing from the train; they were greeted by the largest man Gemini had ever viewed, and she truly didn't mean that in a negative light. "Right, then! First years! This way, Please! Come on, now, don't be shy! Come on now, hurry up," the sizable man boisterously instructed. The girl had to admit she was hesitant to walk in the direction of the yelling half-giant, but Harry dragged her and Ron towards the commotion. "Hello, Harry," the man greeted when he laid eyes upon all three. "Hey, Hagrid," Harry nonchalantly responded. Hagrid? The groundskeeper of Hogwarts! Gemini vaguely recalled her Father telling her what a sweet man he was, and she trusted her Father's judgement immensely. So, she thrusted her hand towards him. Straining her neck to look up; she introduced, "Hello, Hagrid! My name is Gemini Lupin-Black. It is lovely to meet you!" A flicker of recognition crossed over his features, but he happily welcomed her. Sparing another glance over Harry and Gemini, Hagrid instructed, "Right then. This way to the boats! Come on, now, follow me." All the first years wearily followed the enthusiastic man.

    Hagrid had led them to a number of boats that were awaiting their presence. Taking in the scenery, one could see a vast lake and the lights of a huge castle stunningly reflected off of it. The children were in awe, rightfully so. It looked like something out of a medieval movie. "Woah," Ron whispered to her and Harry. "Woah, indeed," Gemini muttered in agreement. "Right," Hagrid eagerly started, "Four to a boat! Get in you lot." Gemini was one of the first to run towards the lake; Harry hot on her heels.


    Grandma Minnie, in her signature jade robes, stood waiting for the new pupils in the lit entryway. Once they'd all piled in, she instantly began her introduction, "Welcome to Hogwarts. I am Professor McGonagall. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup. A great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours. The sorting will begin momentarily." Well, that was a lot to take in. Gemini found herself slightly nervous. Even though she knew what was about to happen, doing it in front of all of her peers seemed terrifying. "That was inspirational, Grandma Minnie," Gemini cried out to the woman's retreating figure. That exclamation earned her more then a few looks, and Harry questioned, "Is that your Grandma?" Chuckling, she replied, "Not by blood relation, no. She did help raise me though." It was true. After the whole incident with her Mother, McGonagall stepped up and helped Remus Lupin out in any way that she could. Remus Lupin had always been Minnie's favorite student, and Gemini was like the kid she never had. Harry nodded his head, satisfied with her answer.

    Suddenly, Gemini could see her distasteful cousin walking towards the trio. She never had the displeasure of meeting her Mother's side of the family, but from what she knew of was chalked up to not missing out on much. "It's true then," Draco started, "what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." The blonde openly stared at Harry's scar, and his accusation instantly caused whispers to erupt. "This is Crabbe and Goyle," Malfoy nodded towards his minions,"...and I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Ron snickered at hearing his name, and Gemini had to hold back a laugh herself. Merlin, she knew she was full of herself but not this badly. Draco's eyes narrowed in on the red-haired boy. "Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley. You'll soon find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Disgust settled in Gemini's stomach as she watched Draco outstretch his hand to Harry. The Boy-Who-Lived looked Draco up and down before he denied, "I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks." He turned around, ignoring Draco's hand. Malfoy's eyes glittered with rage.

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