+ 35 : His past +

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   TW: this chapter contains brief depressing themes
Childe and (Y/n) went over to his mansion. It looked no different besides the fact that Teucer's stuff was gone, and the male needed to put back his own stuff which he initially had sent away.

"Would you like me to make you coffee, my love?"

"Yeah sure. And you keep calling me different variations of nicknames, you should just stick with one." The two banter while Childe leads her to the area in the house dedicated for a drink. A long counter with two high cushioned bar-esque stool chairs. There was a fancy french press and all these other things to make drinks, he probably never even touched some.

"And you still just call me Childe."

"What am I supposed to call you then?!"

"Hmm there's babe, baby, love, sweetheart-" Childe counts on his fingers.

"It feels weird to say."

(Y/n) takes a seat on the cushioned stool and rests her arms on the counter. "Aah I feel tired today."

She watched silently as her boyfriend made her coffee. Still dressed in the butler outfit, a warm and satisfied look on his face. This was another memory she'd hold dear.

It was already dark outside and the two would still discuss what really went on between Childe and Scaramouche, at this rate the girl would probably be staying over for the night.

"Are you still mad at me?" Childe asked while he was focused on pouring the coffee into a petite cup.

"Yeah, maybe. But I'm waiting for you to explain yourself."

"Thanks." His mouth curled into a tiny smile and put the cup of coffee on the counter before (Y/n). He poured coffee into another cup, placed it down on the counter and after fixing everything away he took his seat beside (Y/n).

"The story goes back to when I was in my earlier junior highschool days. My parents were always busy with work, too busy for me. Guys and girls were always around me for money and I started thinking like a horrible person." Childe paused. "Promise me you won't get anymore upset, or leave me after I tell you all of this?"

"Promises always get jinxed Childe. And after all I went through to get you back here do you think I'd just leave?!

"Okay, no need to get all worked up."

"I'm not!"

Childe chuckled. "I felt neglected by my parents and peers, so I became desperate. Lending others money left and right, I became popular for that. Girls were flocking too me as well, and I dated too many of them to count doing all of this just to satisfy the lonely feeling.

Not long after I met Scaramouche and this other dude, both became friends that actually hung with me and wouldn't ask for money. Nothing has changed then, I haven't changed and Scaramouche got a girlfriend. Long before she flat out left Scaramouche she already spoke to me and explained how she dated him to get close to me. I rejected her, I was disgusted, and Scaramouche was my pal.

At that time, I was also being a horrible influence to the other friend. He was a good guy, but I got him into the same lifestyle as mine, ruined his good grades and plans to get into a prestigious college. His parents were so upset he was kicked out of home, I offered to have him stay with me. He did, but he grew depressed and one day I enter the room I let him stay in to find out he wasn't waking up. There were sleeping pills by his bedside table, he overdosed on them.

I was devastated, I lost one of the only two people that saw me as something other than a bank. That was one thing Scaramouche was mad at me for, but he forgave me then.

I'm the worst out there, even after Scaramouche forgave me I did something bad to him again. Even after I rejected the girl she stayed with Scaramouche and they seemed to be in a genuine relationship. I got close to her and started using her to forget my pain. She left Scaramouche for me, of course Scaramouche left me too.

It made me even more devasted, the girl wasn't enough to make me feel any better so I left that country to come here and start anew." Childe's eyes watered, he was trying his hardest to keep a tear from slipping until he felt (Y/n)'s gentle hand rub his back.

"It's only me here, you don't have to hold back your tears."

"(Y/n)..." The tear fell down one after another until his cheeks were soiled in them. He pulled his girlfriend into a tight hug, wishing he could just hold her forever. "I thought that maybe if you knew how horrible I was maybe you'd leave me. I thought that Scaramouche hated me so much he'd get back at me by doing something to you so I just left because I wanted to keep you safe it.. it was a dumb- It was a dumb resolution that didn't resolve anything at all."

"It's fine now, I'm still here with you." (Y/n) spoke reassuringly. Seeing Childe be vulnerable with her was what she would rather want over him just coldly leaving her.

"(Y/n) I won't ever do anything like that again. I won't ever leave you, we'll get married and grow old together." Childe's words were muffled by his sobs.


"Yes marriage. You'll be my wife, we can have a family too if you want-"

"Childe it's too early for this!" Her face was burning up and Childe could feel her heart racing.

"You don't want to marry me?"

"I just said it's too early for this."

"So you do want to marry me!"

The flustered (y/n) pushed Childe away from her and took a few sips from her coffee. "Hmm, do you know what it is in a few days?"

"In a few days...? Oh yeah it's going to be your birthday."

(Y/n) felt a bit of unease, when her birthday comes along she'll no longer be a minor. Though she's already been doing things independently, it just felt different.

The sound of her phone recieving a message went off, a little beep. She took it out of her pocket to check the content.


Mom: Hi sweetheart! Please come home for your birthday, we want to celebrate with you. Your dad promises not to get mad or scold you, and you can bring along your friends and boyfriend.

- xoxo mom

+ his past +

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