Afterstory [4] Work has a wife

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"Ningguang. That woman is married to her work alright." Beidou remarks.

After the great coincidence of having her presence as it was mentioned, the group went straight for Ningguang's place, the complacent lady taking the wheel this time around.

"Are you alright with leaving the restaurant all of a sudden?" (Y/n) asks Xiangling. Xinyan came along with them too.

"The employees can handle themselves there just fine. Besides, they have Guoba!"

"A lot of faith you got in an animal to run a business." Childe commented.

"Don't be rude, Guoba is a better waiter than you ever were! Guoba pays attention to the job, unlike you. Always abandoning your post to flirt with (y/n)." Xiangling crosses her arms. A small grudge was left behind having to bare witness to the two always flirting in the kitchen when she was around. Had anyone given an award for the greatest third wheel, the brilliant chef would've gotten it.

"Ahaha..." The married two chuckle awkwardly.

(Y/n)'s phone lets out a single buzz. Taking it out she sees a message from Teucer.

(Not so lil) Teucer

Teucer: I talked things out with my girlfriend, turns out she was upset because I forgot about the date we had planned, hehe...

How could you forget about your own date!? :(Y/n)

Teucer: I missplaced Mr. Cyclops inside the house and spent so much time looking for him that the date slipped my mind.

You forgot about your own date because of that old action figure??? Did you tell her that? :(Y/n)

Teucer: I did, she found it funny and started laughing. Lmfao

Teucer: Oh and Venti told me I shouldn't tell you this but the café caught fire :/

? :(Y/n)

×_× fucking how :(Y/n)

Teucer: Venti was drinking in the kitchen and spilled some of his alcohol on the floor. Then when he was trying to light the stove he dropped the lit match by the puddle of alcohol and the fire started.

None of you didn't do anything to stop the fire? And where is Xiao? I thought Childe asked him to help out? :(Y/n)

Teucer: Venti was too drunk to stop the fire, I kinda freaked out, the rest were busy. Xiao? Xiao was there for like an hour then started mumbling about humans being strange creatures then left long before the fire happened.

Just close the café. Until Childe and I get back. :(Y/n)

(Y/n) puts her phone away and stares straight forward, blankly. Her dead eyes watching the surroundings change while the car continues to move, but inside the blood rushed away from her head making her pale.

"I'm sure the café didn't end up in a horrible condition, I'm sure the café didn't end up in a horrible condition, I'm sure the café didn't end up in a horrible condition..."

"Sweetheart, did something happen?" Childe asks his wife.

"Oh yeah, no. Nothing at all. Our café just caught fire that's it really. Who would've thought!"

Velvet Café [Childe x reader]Where stories live. Discover now