+ 44 : Reviewing +

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The last year of highschool for (Y/n) was just about at it's end. But there was still the final boss to face— the finals. Tests. Exams.

"This sucks!" She slammed closed the textbook before her and got stares by the other people silently studying in the library.

"(Y/n)! You're going to disturb the others and get us kicked out of here." Her brunette classmate and closest friend from the school whispered. "Come on now, we have to do this to graduate."

"But Amber..." She whimpered.

"No buts." Amber opened the textbook that had been violently closed and pointed at the trigonometric functions written on it.

(Y/n) refused to look at the textbook, her gaze awkwardly fixated on the shelves at the distance. "Can we just study at my place? I can't focus here."

"And you won't be able to focus if we go to your place either because your boyfriend will be bugging you. Now come on, I'll refresh your memory on the lesson."

"Eeh but he's probably at college right now. Amber pleaase. I don't want the other people here to know how much of a dumbass I am." She whispered the last part and Amber finally agreed.

The two promptly left the library and took the bus to (Y/n)'s place. That was Childe's mansion but she thought of it as home now.

Upon entering, she took her keys out to open the smaller gate for the two to get inside but she already noticed it was opened.

"Is he home? But his car isn't around." (Y/n) wondered.

"You guys must've been robbed!" Amber pushed open the gate and rushed into the mansion's interior.

The (h/c) girl on the other hand took her sweet time in entering, stopping in her tracks after hearing a shriek coming from inside.

"Thief! Thief! (Y/n) there's a thief playing this weird instrument inside!"

"That's Venti, and he's playing a lyre. Venti, this is my schoolmate Amber." (Y/n) sighed when she entered to see the bard. "How'd you get inside?"

"It wasn't locked here to begin with." Venti grinned.

"Tart-freaking-taglia. Forgot to lock up again." She facepalmed. It was almost a miracle he's never been robbed despite forgetting to lock the gates quite often.

"Sooo, how've you been? It's been a while, everyone in velvet café misses you."

"I've been dying. Finals you know?"

"Yeah. Finals." Amber coughed. "What did we come here to do again?"

"Huh what? Did you say something? We came here to play videogames right? Come on Venti let's go play mario kart." (Y/n) took her male friend's hand and rushed to where her ps5 was. Venti looked at her in confusion.

"You don't have mario kart though."

"Shush it was the first game that came to mind."

The ps5 was quick to boot, and the disk for the classic borderlands 2 was on so she decided the two would play that for the meantime. Three if Amber were to join in.

"Let's make new characters so you can start from the beginning. Oh and Amber, are you going to join us?"

"This is why I didn't want us to go to your place. But fine, it'd be a shame to sit out and review on my own."

The three sat on the sofa holding their controllers.

Venti selected Maya the siren, (Y/n) selected Zer0 the assassin, and Amber selected Gaige the mechromancer.

"This is the best type of reviewing you know." (Y/n) spoke slyly. Amber wasn't keen on playing videogames instead of what she should be doing, but she didn't dislike it either. Venti though, didn't have anything to worry about.

"You knoow, if you fail you'll have to take summer classes."

"Fail? Pfft, even if I fail the exams I'm pretty sure it won't flunk the rest of my grades."

"You do you then."

The three enjoyed playing for almost two hours, until Childe returned from his classes and entered his house with a friend.

Medium length black hair with two longer strands on the side of his face that had section of teal color, the reserved friend of 'tart-freaking-taglia' who forgot to lock the gate entered with quiet footsteps.

"Childe! You forgot to lock the gate again! Also hi Xiao!" (Y/n)'s tone of voice shifted to greet the reserved male.

"Hello (y/n). I see you have guests." Xiao replied.

"Yeah! Venti from the café and Amber from school. We're currently playing borderlands 2, want to join?"

"That would be nice."

"Eh what about me?! Xiao weren't we supposed to work on our project?" Childe frowned.

"It's not due till the end of the month anyway. Once we start it'll be done quickly."

The orange haired boy's mouth was left open for a brief moment and the rest turned away to continue their game.

For the time they spent playing, he sat in the distance watching them play. The loneliness he felt made his skin crawl, on the other hand he was exhausted from college and wanted to just sleep it all away. Noticing this, (Y/n) got up and approached him.

"You done playing?"

"No. I just came to say that I'll make up for all this later." She whispered to him and gave him a peck on his cheek before rushing back.

Childe always got flustered over the little things (Y/n) did. After that he was hiding his red face in his hands and squirming although everyone was too busy enjoying borderlands to notice.

"Ooh! Xiao is really good at this!" Amber gasped.

"Really? It's my first time playing this game."

"I'm worried Xiao might be even better than me at this." (Y/n) chuckled.

+ reviewing +


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