+ 2 : Cooking contest +

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A week into (y/n)'s new job, she had her uniform and was officially working at the velvet café. Despite her dislike when it comes to socializing, she grew very fond of her co-workers. And had a special closeness with Childe who always came up to her with cheesy jokes. Of course, (y/n) simply thought that the male liked to flirt for fun.

"Hey cutie, what are you cooking?" Childe entered the kitchen, where (y/n) and Xiangling were busy with their jobs.

"I'm helping Xiangling make Carbonara."

"Oooh Carbonara, Yum!"

"You know, I was thinking of making new dishes for the café." Xiangling spoke. While starting the boiling water. "More variations of food to make the customers drool over!"

"To have that level of cooking." (Y/n) said wishfully.

"You'll get there soon." Childe told her. "But you'll need to start with not getting any eggshells into the dishes." He bursted out in laughter, and (y/n)'s face turned red in embarrassment. Xiangling looked at the two in confusion.

"Did something happen?" She asked.

"The other day, when you weren't around and (y/n) had to do the cooking, one of the customers had reported an eggshell in their food." Childe told the master chef, while clutching his stomach from the silly pain the laughter caused.

"S-shut it! And stop laughing at me! It was a beginners mistake." Reminding herself of the mistake she made her want to throw herself into a grave. "It's not like you can cook better than me!"

"Oh? Wanna bet cutie?" Childe smirked.

"Psh, sure!"

"Cooking contest!" Xiangling cheered. "Ah, but let me finish cooking this carbonara first."


Once Xiangling had finished making the glorious serving of Carbonara, Childe and (y/n) looked at each other with the eyes of mortal enemies in the battle of food.

"May I do the honor of deciding what you two will be cooking?" Xiangling asked.

"Sure." Childe tells her, and the girl takes a moment to think.

"Eggs! It's simple and quick to cook, but not many are able to perfect it!"

"Eggs? I make them almost every day for breakfast!" (Y/n) snickers. "Scratch the fact I accidentally got an egg shell in one of the past orders." What happened in the past caused (y/n) to feel uncertainty towards her egg cooking abilities, but when facing a challenge she wouldn't let that uncertainty bring her down.

"Too easy." The male's eyes were filled with determination. His posture screamed 'this battle is mine to win'

"Okay then! (Y/n) gets the right side of the kitchen, Childe gets the left. I'll give you both 15 minutes. Timer... Starts... Now!"

The two rush to their stations, where Xiangling already prepared the equipment they'll need, and a tray of eggs. (Y/n) decided she'll make an omelette, while Childe decided to make his a simple sunny side up.

While (y/n) was focused on cracking the egg into a bowl then mixing it to a very foamy mixture. All Childe had to do was crack his egg onto the heating pan and wait till it cooked. Xiangling watched the anticlimactic battle of the two with anticipation. QiQi was peeking to see what they were doing.

It was only because they didn't have a huge amount of customers, they had the allowance to do such things during work hours.

Childe quickly finished his egg, and promptly put it onto his plate. The ends of the egg white was a crispy golden color, and the egg yellow was bright. Ah yes, yolky. At that time, (y/n) had only begun to pour her mixture into the pan, letting it sit until she could fold it into an omelette form. Then flipping it, and finally finishing.

"Oooh, they both look alright!" Xiangling beamed at the two plates of egg placed out on her table. She first touched Childe's sunny side up. Her fork poking into the egg yolk, and letting it run down. "The egg yolk is perfect! Plus points for you!" She said gleefully then ate the egg white which was slightly drenched in yolk.

"Now for this one." Xiangling set her sights on (y/n)'s omelette, cutting into it. "Fluffy! I like that." She continued to taking a bite from it. "There's an egg shell!"

The words felt like a knife stabbing (y/n) by the rib. She clutched that ghost pain and fell to the floor, already feeling the defeat. "I-it's over for me!"

Childe once again bursted out laughing at (y/n) for the egg misfortune that has befallen her. "Hey hey, (y/n) I got a joke for you." He told the girl in the midst of his laughter. "How did the omelette find out they were ill?"

"How?" (Y/n) said, still on the ground sulking.

"Because they had a medical egg-sam! Badum tss!"

Xiangling facepalmed and (y/n) went through the mixture of cringe and even more sulking.

"Oh come on now, I was just trying to cheer you up cutie." Childe bent down and began patting (y/n)'s head. "Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we make the same mistakes twice, but what's important is I'm still amazing." He said pridefully.

"You're not making me feel any better."

"Want me to finish the rest of your eggshell omelette?"

"I hope the eggshells scratch your throat." She glared at him, and pushed his hand off of her head.

"I-i'll declare the winner now. Err sorry (y/n)! The fluffiness was still exceptional!" Xiangling feigned a smile despite the tense atmosphere.

+ cooking contest +

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