+ 10 : Confession be damned +

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"Your apartment looks pretty neat." Childe commented as soon as the two stepped into where (y/n) stays.

All was neat and tidy but her room where pillows and various merchandise of the things she enjoyed was all over the place. The only thing organized there was her games. "Ahh... Haha." She chuckled awkwardly. Half of her was wondering how to keep Childe out of seeing her messy room, and the other half a mess thinking about how it was just her and Childe alone now.

"Cutie, you ok?" The male asked after quickly noticing her uneasiness.

"Yeah. Is there anything you want to eat or drink?"

"I'll just have water."

"You can go take a seat on the sofa then, I'll get you a glass of water."

"Nah I can just get a glass of water for myself."

"But you're my guest-"

The two pause and stare at each other for a moment, then bursted out laughing like two idiots who just shared a telepathic joke.

After that, they stopped and stared at each other again because neither knew what to say next.

"Uhm. You can just get a glass of water then." (Y/n) finally decides after not being able to take the awkward atmosphere any longer. "There are clean cups by the sink, right beside it is the water dispenser." She points at the mentioned areas, then heads to the sofa to take a seat. "From holding hands with him in the bus to being alone with him in the apartment, what now." (Y/n) mumbles.

She wouldn't admit it to herself, but every inch of her brain exerted effort into not thinking of anything indecent or at the least anything beyond holding hands.

After everything that's happened, it was becoming impossible to deny she had feelings for Childe.

"Hey Childe, why did you want to come to my place? I mean other than just because you felt bad." The female asked while Childe was still dispensing water into his glass. The main area of the apartment wasn't large, so she didn't have to raise her voice for him to hear her.

"Hmm." His cup was only half way full when he finished getting water and sat beside (y/n) on the sofa. She was still anticipating his answer. "For alone time."

"Alone time?"

"Me and you. Alone."

"Yes I get it! But why?" Her face turned several hues red with Childe's blunt answer.

"You ask too much cutie, why do you think I'd want alone time with you?"

"I don't know? I can't read your mind?"

Childe sighs, then takes a sip from the glass of water. "I'm just going to be straight to the point."

"Straight to the point...?" (Y/n) suddenly felt nervous. What he was about to say could be anything. Maybe something bad, maybe something good. Or he might just be messing with her. She thought that if the latter idea was the case, it would be a good opportunity to take that glass of water and splash it on his face. Just to get back for all the times he's teased and made fun of her. And his endless flirting that just let her to feeling all different kinds of ways.

"(Y/n)." He says sternly. Looking deep into her (e/c) eyes. "What we have is... Isn't very much like friends."

"Huh?" (Y/n) was genuinely confused with what he said.

"I mean... I want to hold hands with you, but like not just on a bus?" Childe brushed his hand through his hair. He was clearly struggling with trying to express himself, but (y/n) seemed to be getting the idea.

"I thought you said you were going to be straightforward."

"I am! It's easier said than done ok?"


"What I'm trying to say is we should... We should... Fucking hell I've never done this before." He puts down the glass of water and grabs the nearest pillow, covering his face in it to hide embarrassment. While (y/n) was dying to know what he wanted to say.

"Childe? We should what? Hey!" She attempts to pull the pillow away from him. "If you don't put this pillow away then I'm going to call you a coward for the rest of my life."

"I don't care! I'd rather be called a coward than say something like this!"

"Like what!?"

Childe soon settled down and let go of the pillow. "We should just go out."

"Go out? As in go out of this apartment and to the mall or something?"

The orange haired male looked away from (y/n) with visible disappointment and frustration. "Go out as in date! Like let's be a damn couple!"

"What..." (Y/n) felt her brain stop functioning, she looked completely dumbfounded. "A couple... Date... You and me? Childe I will murder you right here right now if you're messing with me."

"Does it seem like I'm messing with you?"


"Ok then how do you want me to prove that I'm not messing with you?"

"I don't know."

"Then just be my damn girlfriend already!"

     + confession be damned +

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