Afterstory [2] A month, Promise

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 (Not so lil) Teucer

Teucer: (Y/n)!!!!! my girlfriend is mad at me, what do I do? I don't know what I did wrong???

[Read 3:38 PM]

(Y/n) facepalms upon reading the message, and exits the conversation without replying.

The anxiety of having to tell her husband about the disappearance of her friends made her stomach churn as she opened the door of her hotel room.

"Mommy is home!"

"Oh? Mommy is home?" A certain overly-smug individual and his child hug the lady who just returned.

"(K/n), did you have fun with your daddy while I was gone?"


(Y/n) pats her child's head, smiling cheerfully. Until, she faces her husband with a serious look. "Hun, can we talk outside?"

"Huh? Yeah of course."

The two exit the hotel room, Childe is  wondering if he done something wrong. Trying to figure out whether she was mad, he watched her body language until he noticed a sense of anxiety that came from her footsteps that were more reserved than usual.

"We need to cancel our flight."

"Cancel our fl-? What's this all of a sudden? Did something happen?" He places a hand on (Y/n)'s cheek.

"Zhongli, Qiqi, Baizhu... Noelle told me they disappeared! And it happened so long ago! No one told us all this time so I- We need to... We need to do something! We're their friends! We can't just head back!"

"Shh, calm down." Childe pulls her into his arms. The tears (Y/n) been holding back since the teahouse burst out in the comfort of her beloved's embrace.

Until she was able to calm down to the extent of being able to speak in a non-muffled voice, he waited. And when she was okay, she calmly explained the full story to him.

"So you want us to cancel the flight, we'll stay and investigate. The thing is, Zhongli who was investigating, disappeared. (Y/n), it's unsafe. We can't just risk ourselves, we have a kid."

"But our friends..."

"We can't leave our café for too long either.

"Venti can watch over the café! Teucer can too! I'll be very careful and won't let myself end up gone without a trace too! Please Childe! Just for a month! Isn't Zhongli one of your closest friends?"

"Just a month. You promise?"

"I proooomise."

"Oh, and I don't trust that drunkard with the café so I'll contact Xiao and ask if he's available."

"Venti's been with us since Velvet Café to our café and you still don't trust him?"

"It's not that I don't trust him, it's that I don't trust him handling the café."

"Mommy, daddy, I'm hungry!" Their kid starts yelling from behind the door, inside of the hotel room. The kid is too small to reach the doorknob and begins banging on the door.

"Already? It's only 4. Did daddy not feed you lunch?" (Y/n) returns to their room to another test of patience with a toddler.

"No, daddy got tired of playing with me and fell asleep."

"Tartaglia." She inhales deeply. "Did you want to starve your kid so I'd come back to deal with another tantrum?"

He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "I was tired, and I fell asleep. Is all."

"Don't we both want to sleep when we're tired? Am I going to be the one making the sacrifice all the time now, hmm?"

"I'm sorry sweetheart I'll make it up to you next time."

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes. "You go take (k/n) to the dining area to eat, I'm going to stay here and take a nap."

"Will do." Childe and his child leaves the hotel room to have their early supper, or lunch for the extra late lunch takers. (Y/n) gets to enjoy the time to herself in the hotel room.

Yet not quite enjoy because she still felt like she was drowning with worry.

"Ah right, I forgot to respond to Teucer."

She takes out her phone and returns to the conversation she ignored prior to the test of patience she just had with her kid and husband. She thought the kid would be the only problem here but so was the man she married. "Why can't he raise a kid without me reminding him over every little thing he's supposed to do!" She groans.

(Not so lil) Teucer

Teucer: (Y/n)!!!!! my girlfriend is mad at me, what do I do? I don't know what I did wrong???

Teucer: pls reply!
[Sent 3:43 pm]

Deal with your own relationship problems yourself. : (Y/n)

Teucer: But I don't know why she's upset! You're a girl too so you might have an idea.

If you don't know why she's upset than why do you think I'd know? What am I, an esper? :(Y/n)

Teucer: I'm being serious rn...

So am I. :(Y/n)

Teucer: Ugh you old people.

Well honestly I do feel too old to be meddling with teenage relationships. Just have a proper talk with each other. :(Y/n)

Oh and take care of the house okay? Something came up so we'll be staying here for a month. :(Y/n)

Teucer: a whole month of having this place to myself, cool.

If it gets too lonely there, then you can stay over at a friend's place. :(Y/n)

"Ah heyy sweetheart, I'm back. Just forgot to get my wallet." Childe abruptly enters the room.

"Where's (K/n)?" (Y/n) lifts a brow.

"I left (K/n) to wait for me downstairs."

"I see." She gives a monotonous response. "You left that hyper, overly curious kid alone to wait for you. (K/n) is totally going to be patiently seated awaiting your return. Totally. I'm sure you wouldn't lose your kid, Tartaglia."


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