Chapter 2 - New home #17

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Like I said, read the tw's in the Read This thing, I wont list them at the top of each chapter

Macy had Tommy stand, and then she turned her attention to Philza. They were discussing paperwork and that jazz, but Tommy paid no mind. His hands and legs were shaking and he was leaning on the table so he wouldn't fall.

And then the female turned her attention to Tommy. 

"Go back to your room, and get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow!" She forced a smile out, and having a cheery voice. Tommy nodded, and she finished up the last couple topics to Philza.

Tommy left the room, and saw Wilbur and Techno at the mirror. They were watching him, and Tommy's eyes immediately darted to the floor the second he accidentally made eye contact. He reached the final door, and opened it, just to see the kid he got into a fight with.

He sighed to himself, before exiting the room. He made a few turns, went down a long hallway, and bam, he was at his room. He pushed open the door, and closed it behind him, before laying on his bed.

He let tears fall as he tried to brace himself.

You may be asking, 'But this is a good thing, why is he so sad?' Well, reader, Tommy is a very different case.

He had been in and out of 16 different foster or adoption homes. And they were all the same. He gets there, the first week or two is good, then the abuse starts. Then even they'll get tired of hitting him, and just put him right back here.

His mind raced again.

'How bad do they hit? How long until it starts? How long until I mess up? What are they gonna do when I mess up? How fast will I be put back in here? What if they think I'm some freak?' 

Tommy held his breath, taking the photo out from under the pillow. He smiled to himself as the tears rolled down his cheek. His thumb ran across the picture, as he slowly calmed himself down.

It was still morning, but Tommy did have a 'big day' tomorrow, so he'll take as much sleep as he can get. He's probably gonna lay there in bed for a few hours before falling asleep anyway. 

"I miss you."

~~~~~ (time skip cause I dunno what to do)

Today was the day.

The kid didn't sleep. He was just laying there on his bed, for what felt like forever. He pushed himself up, and went to go get ready in the bathroom.

He put on a red and black flannel and blue jeans, and then the classic red and white converses. Then it dawned on the blonde that he was gonna get picked up soon. Like, soon-soon.

Tommy's heart was racing and he looked at the time. 10:29 am. Oh god, oh god, when were they coming?? When are they gonna show up- he needs to pack first, and he needs to fix his hair, and-

There was knocking at the door.

Tommy sighed, knowing it's probably Macy. His breathing increased it's pace, and his hands were shaking. He should've been ready earlier, and he cursed under his breath. If he wasn't awake early enough he'd get smacked, and he really didn't want to go to another house bloody.

He cracked opened the door, shakily, and looked up. He met eyes with Wilbur and Technoblade.

"O-oh, hi- um.." Tommy stuttered out, looking between the two.

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