Chapter 13 - Bad Dreams

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So before I start writing the chapter- I wanna clear up something since I'm realizing it doesn't exactly make sense-

I had said Wilbur and Schlatt had been friends since they were 7.. now in this adoption au thing, thats when Wilbur had first gotten into the orphanage, cause all Philza's kids have been adopted..

For story sake, lets say they met in the orphanage, and Schlatt got adopted before Wilbur. Lets also say that Schlatt was adopted by someone a few blocks down. So bam, story like makes sense.

But because I've mentioned Schlatt's parents are chill, lets just say they've had a good relationship since the begining, (unlike Phil's kids at first, lmao, Schlatt wasn't that nervous at first)

Chille, anyways so



Techno woke up on the couch, holding something softly breathing. He looked down, seeing the strawberry blonde asleep in his arms still. The memories from before flodded back, as he bit the inside of his cheek.

He got to help Tommy, which was good. But they saw him vulnerable. Not so good. The pinkette looked at the time on his watch. (He has a watch,, I just like that idea-)

8:42 pm. They were asleep for 4 1/2 hours. Techno set his arm back down, hugging Tommy to his chest. The older one felt the kid stir slightly, as he clutched his grip on Techno's shirt.

"Mmm..." Tommy slightly groaned rubbing his eyes with the hand that wasn't holding onto Techno. Techno slightly froze when he knew Tommy woke up, and looked down at the strawberry blonde.

Tommy opened his eyes, and looked forward, the room was dark, but he could see the outline of his legs. And someone's arm/hand. He was leaning against a chest, he figured, as breathing ever-so-slightly cause his head to rise and fall, and he could hear a heartbeat.

The child looked up, meeting the eyes of Techno.

"Hey kid.. how you feelin'...?" Techno mumbled, but loud enough to be heard by Tommy.

"I'm... I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For crying.. and falling asleep on you.."

"Do you think I care..? Tommy, it's okay to cry. And after a breakdown like that, and the shit you've gone though.... I'd be exhausted too."

Tommy nodded, and leaned into Techno's hug. He was shaking slightly, from his dream, and from being vulnerable.

"We're similar, y'know that..?"


"We're both afraid to be vulnerable."

" do you know..?"

"I can see it in you. We're so similar, and if you want me to be honest with ya... it bothers me."

Techno paused for a moment.

"It bothers me cause you're goin' through the shit that I had. Having no one and nothing to someone and something. That kills you."

Tommy didn't move. He just shifted so he could hug Techno.

"Why can you read me.?"

"When someone is going through the same stuff, you can just tell kid. You can just tell."Techbo responded, hugging the kid back. Neither one of them knew why they were hugging.

Tommy was scared, and Techno hated being touched.

But they're both touched starved.

So they stayed.

"You had a bad dream didn't you..?"

"How'd you know..?"

"You're shaking.. and after bad dreams, I know I always want a hug.. I figured you'd be the same."

Tommy's mind was racing. He was a contradiction of himself.

Scared of Techno, yet confides in him.

Doesn't wanna be comfortable here, yet he is.

Hating touch, but craves hugs.

Tommy couldn't understand himself. He just showed up and he already sobbed in Technoblade's arms, and thats the one he's most scared of. Tommy stayed silent, blinking away tears.

He's just way too overwhelmed.

"Wanna talk about it..?" Techno asked.

"I uhm... maybe?? I just dont understand it."

"Try it."

"..Okay.. Uhm.. This was kinda in the future thing..? Like a few months... and it was like an actual home for me. Something I've never had before.... it was like home, but then it turned so dark. So dark, and empty,, and it was cold."

Tommy took a deep breath.

"And I'm scared."

"Of this place turning out bad..?"


"Take it from me.. it wont.. I'm sorry I seemed a bit agressive before.. I was scared too." Techno tried comforting the blonde.

"Why were you scared..?"

"Because I didn't know what to do."

Tommy just nodded.

"This won't happen alot,, I swear.." The blonde said.

"It's okay if it happens, kid. I'll be here. Knowing your pain... it hurts. I'll be here to help."

A tear slid down Tommy's cheek.

"Thank you.."

Techno just nodded. The two stayed there, in a comfortable silence, before Techno spoke up.

"Try goin' back to sleep..."

Tommy just nodded, and started drifting off. He was never fully awake so it was pretty easy for him to pass out. Techno stayed awake for a bit longer.

He checked his watch one more time. 9:01 pm. Had they really been talking for almost 20 minutes-? Guess so. Technoblade silently sighed, as he hugged the child in his arms.

This'll probably be a one time thing, until Tommy is completely comfortable with the house. And if Tommy's anything like Technoblade, he'll put up thicker walls after breaking down like that.

Techno sighed to himself, mumbling, but not loud enough to re-wake Tommy.

"My youngest brother.... just like me.... Damn."

Someone ruffled the top of Techno's head, causing him to jump. He turned his head, and saw Wilbur.


"Hey.. how long were you..?"

"I just showed up, don't worry.. how ya feelin'?"

"Not sure.. I dont normally cry 'round you guys, so..."

"I know.. you know it's okay to be open, right?"

"Yeah I know... just old habits.."

The brunette smiled softly.

"Get some rest."

"I just told that to this one." Techno gestured with his head to the strawberry blonde.

"Then take your own advice."

Techno chuckled, and nodded.

"See ya in the mornin', alright..? Night, Wil..."

"Night Techno."


1,000 words exactly uwu

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