Chapter 10 - Stop Asking.

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I promise this is gonna slow down again, I know that last chapter moved pretty fast. This one is gonna move a bit fast too, but after I'm gonna start slowing it down again so it doesn't seem rushed-

I stg at this point I'm projecting myself onto Tommy-

Anyway, before the chapter, I'm gonna complain- last night I went to hibachi for my sister's 18th birthday, and I got a veggie roll cause I don't like sea food, and there was a green sauce thing next to it. I didn't know what it was, so I picked up a piece of sushi with my chopsticks, and 'dipped' it in. The entire sauce thing just got stuck to the sushi, and I basically was like 'whatever' and I ate it.

It was wassabi. 

My entire throat was burning and my nose was too, and I was genuinely tearing up. I can not handle any type of spice and I sat there and ate a wassabi covered veggie roll. I downed my water real fast.


"...Why would you ask that."

Tommy shot back, getting defensive. He never was one to talk about what his father had done, nor who he hurt, and he sure as hell wasn't going to start explaining stuff now. His hand clutched around the hem of his sweater.

"I-I'm sorry, I know how rude that must've seemed. Like I said you don't have to answer, I was just worried-"

"Why would you be worried?"

Wilbur stayed silent for a moment, biting his tongue. He couldn't just say 'because my older brother snooped in your room and called the number on your phone and found out she's your mom, AND your dad is no where to be seen!'

'Cause who the hell does that?!

"I um... Well, you were in an orphanage, so parent's are out of the picture.. and Techno said you got defensive about the picture I just assumed she was-"

"Why does it matter? That doesn't mean that he-"

"You don't have a picture of hi-"

"Why would I need one?"

"Why do you need one of your mom?"

"Stop asking."

Silence fell. The two stared at each other, and Tommy noticed Wilbur tensed WAY up. His eyes went wide.

"I-I'm sorry, I said you didn't have to answer then I kept pressing, I-I was being insensitive-" Wilbur pushed out words quicker than Tommy could process.

"It's fine. Curiosity kills."


If Tommy didn't check out the noise when his father killed his mother, he probably would have a better outlook on things. That type of trauma fucks you over in more ways than one. The abuse would already fuck him over- but seeing that  at 6 years old?

It's worse.

"I'm sorry. I know you don't feel comfortable around us yet, but can I show you something? T'make up for it? It's super peaceful.."

Tommy bit the inside of his cheek. Wilbur comes in here trying to know his  trauma, then sits here and goes 'follow me!' like he didn't just bring up a sensitive topic! What the hell!

"If not, that's fine and I completely understand, I can go, alright-?"

"It's..... It's fine. I don't want anymore tension then there already is. Where?"

Tommy bit his tongue, annoyed at the fact he's agreeing. He was being honest though, the last thing he wants is more tension in the air. Solving one thing at a time.

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