Chapter 24 - Medication.

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Im currently sobbing cause I just lost a friend of 3 1/2 years. I saw them like a sibling. Haha. Since Im sad you all are gonna suffer :D

I know I typically don't saw the trigger warnings at the top of the chapters cause I have a specific chapter FOR ther triggers, but this chapter is heavily triggering, please be safe loves.

Anyway, for all you Techno lovers :)


He was not okay for one evening.

Techno tried reading, but he couldn't. The silence was loud, as he blinked through the thickened air. He just closed his book and went into his bathroom. He figured he could splash his face with water and think of something to do.

He went into the bathroom, splashed his face, and looked at himself in the mirror.

Well, more of the person behind him.

There was a black shadow figure, with no features, just standing behind him. It produced uncohearent whispering as it stood there, staring at the 16 year old.

He grabbed his soap dispenser, and chucked it at the figure as fast as he could, which is pretty damn fast. He was breathing heavy as the panic set in his chest that someone was there. However, the soap dispenser went through the figure, causing it to disappear. Though the soap dispenser was glass, and shattered against the wall.

What the hell was that from?!



Techno opened up the mirror, looking at all of his pill bottles. He read the name of each and every one, double- even triple checking he didn't miss it. His schizophrenia medicine purely wasn't there.

'Oh no. Oh not tonight, please not tonight.'

The pinkette panicked, throughts running throuhh his mind a bazillion miles an hour. He was fine dealing with his other disorders, he really was. But his schizophrenia scared the ever loving shit out of him, which fear only made the voices and figures worse.

Maybe the just weren't in this bathroom?? Did he move them?? He knows he has them, he just knows it! He just had to find them. He left the bathroom quickly, as the voices were all around him. Like stated previously, fear makes it worse. Since he was panicking, they are more relevant and active.

He swatted away the non existent people around him, not wanted to be here. He really should've taken the 'Dream can come over' offer. Having people there, depending on who they are, can help him.

Dream is one of the few.

He really should've taken the deal.

The voices were screaming in his mind, and his chest rose and fell hastily. Techno covered his ears as he walked to a different bathroom. There were 3 to look in, they had to be in one of them, right??

The pinkette searched frantically, digging through the cabinets. He couldn't find them. Where are they? C'mon, c'mon where are they?!?!

Technoblade felt a hand pull him. He flinched, whipped around, and saw a demented figure. It was headless, with blood pouring out of the neck. There was a gash in his chest, making the ribs and organs visual. Some intestines were hanging out of the shadowy skin. Behind it, there were thousands of people just laughing.

He saw his mom.

He saw the drug adicted strippers.

He saw the rotten men.

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