Chapter 34 - I Need To Talk To You.

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They finally arrived home, not seeing anyone in the living room. Techno placed down his satchel, and blinked back the pain in his gut. After a minute of talking, Tommy went up to his room, and Techno wiped his mouth. He felt sick.

No matter how many times he tried to wipe it away, the taste of the female still lingered on his lips. He got lightheaded, as he leaned against the door. And she said he tasted like cherries? Yeah, those are definitely ruined for him.

He had to get to a bathroom.

He forced himself off the door, and he stumbled to the main floor bathroom. He closed the door, and collapsed on the ground. He got up onto his knees, and leaned against the toilet seat.

All it took was one single memory of it, and it triggered his gag reflex. He threw up, stomach acid burning his throat. Since he didn't even eat so far today, all there WAS, was stomach acid, nothing to even it out.

He thought he was done, so he leaned back. Then he threw himself forward again, disgarding the non existent food in his stomach. More stomach acid left. He coughed, his throat burning so bad he felt like he could rip out his throat.

He had tears pricked in the corners of his eyes, as he was panting over the toilet seat. He felt disgusted by Autumn and even himself.

What the hell does he do to make people want to do this to him?

Techno coughed once or twice, before backing up. He forced himself to stand, though he really preferred to just lay on the ground and just fucking die.

He flushed the toilet, and washed his hands and face. When he was drying his hands with a towel, he was thinking to himself.

'I mean.. what happens if I DO tell dad..? What would he say? What if he just blammes me?'

Ever since the thought of telling his father came into his mind on the way back, it hasn't left. 'Cause who knows how Phil will react, Techno just going 'I got sexually harrassed and raped my whole life' is DEFINATELY going to cause a reaction out of Phil.

But what if it's a bad one?

Techno knew he had to tell someone, though. He knew how bad keeping this inside is, and how it's gonna fuck him up. But he was scared.

Ironic a bit, huh?

Technoblade, the tough kid with the strength of 20 grown men at 16, is scared of talking to his dad. But it's trauma, he shouldn't be able to talk about it so easily-! But in the pinkette's eyes, his trauma wasn't that important.

(If you ever feel this way, I want you to know your trauma and your feelings matter. They arent less important than anyone elses.)

He sighed to himself, as he left the bathroom. He went to the kitchen to grab water for his throat, and blinked away a couple thoughts. He had to do it, didn't he?

But was Techno even ready to tell someone? Let alone his father? That... was very questionable. When he finished his glass of water, he looked over to the hallway. All that it lead to was an office room, that Phil used to get any left over paperwork done.

Maybe he was in there?

He placed his glass down, and his legs started moving before he could think another thought. The teenager walke down the hall, and up to the office door. He knocked, and was really fucking hoping there was not gonna be an answer.

"Come in!"

God damn it.

He walked into the office, and saw his dad placing down a pencil. The beach blonde turned his full attention to his son. Here goes nothing.

"I need to talk to you..."

"What's going on Tech?"

Technoblade closed the door behind him and walked over to a spare seat right next to him. Sometimes he had a co-worker named Kristin over to help with paperwork, so there was always a spare seat right next to Phil.

"There... there is no easy way to say this." The pinkette forced the words out, and his hand was fidgeting nervously. Philza grew concerned very quickly.

"Are you okay..?"

"I um.. I- I don't know.. y'know how I never mentioned what put me in the orphanage-?"

"Tech you don't have to say anything about that if you don't want to."

"No, no I know, but I need to. I need to tell someone I-.. I just can't form the words-"

Techno took a deep breath.

"I was sold... alot."

Philza very visibly tensed. With concern-filled eyes, he looked at Techno's own. They refused to meet his, as the hot-pink color was glued to the floor. Techno was really doing this.

"Every house was the same.. they.. they all um.. they used me.."

Another deep breath.

"They used me for sex."


Tears flooded both of their eyes, and streamed down their faces.

Phil was shaking.


He cut himself off. Techno opened his mouth after.

"Even now. P-people try to.. I'll tell them no and they just... they won't listen.."

"How... how often..?"

"Whenever I leave the house.."

And Philza just broke.

He gently grabbed Techno's shoulder, and pulled him to his chest. He hugged his oldest son tightly, and he silently cried. Technoblade cried against his father's chest as he hugged back.

"D-did someone hurt you to-today-?" Philza wanted to slap himself for stuttering while trying to help his son.

Technoblade nodded.

"She locked in in the bathroom and.. she.. she made me kiss her- and-"

He choked on a sob.

"I couldn't move.."

"I know, I know Tech.. trust me, I know.."


"My father did the same thing to me."

Silence fell.

"I-I'm sorry." Techno said, quietly but it was still heard.

"No, Techno, listen. I'm sorry. I should've protected you from this."

Technoblade just hugged his father tighter. He sniffed a few times, as Philza rested his chin on Techno's head.

"Did.... Did he ever go all the way too...?"

"He did.. the people who took you as a kid... they did it too, Im guessing..?"


"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you in time.. I'm sorry I couldn't save you from that."

"Im sorry you had to go through it....."

Another minute of silence.

"Dad..? Do you know what asexual is..?"

"Yeah, my friend Caleb is asexual,, they told me what it is.."

"I'm.. I'm that."

"That's alright.."

They sat there, hugging and crying, and stayed in silence. Philza almost couldn't believe it. His son went through the same thing he had. That hurts. So fucking badly.

And Techno could barely comprehend the fact his dad understood.

Holy shit.


1142 words,,

Be proud of me, I didnt break the fourth wall :D

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