Chapter 38 - Please don't say that.

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This is the last main Techno event- holy shit--


After a while, and a LOT of icing, Wilbur and Schlatt just talked through everything. Schlatts ears were constantly twitching with anger, but kept his face content. The murder plans were running through his mind, but all he could do now was make sure Wilbur stayed safe.

Schlatt had gotten Wilbur foundation from his mom's make up, and just gave it to him. It would spare everyone else's panic later.

But after a while, they parted their ways. That was when Phil called, scared because Wilbur forgot he shouldve been home a half hour earlier and Phil was about to start a search party. It took a couple bs excuses, but at one point Wilbur had to leave.

When Wilbur walked inside, Technoblade was walking outside. They extanged a few words, and Techno let on he was going to a friend's house.

Technoblade went down a side road to lessen the cat calls. There were still a couple women that called him over and/or walked up to him, but it was only 11 women. So, a lot less than normal.

Philza, because of what had happened with the medication, made him stay on the phone with him to make sure he got there safely. To say he was enraged by the women was an understatement.


He left the house.


Techno walked, and eventually got to his friend's house. He was going to tell her about the fact he's Asexual. Surprising, right? Telling someone else first, instead of Dream. With her, you could tell secrets and if shit hit the fan, your secrets would still be safe.

Dream was exactly like that as well.

But if shit DID hit the fan, he'd rather lose her than Dream.

He knocked at the door, hung up with his dad, and waited. After a minute, a girl opened up the door. She had her hair in spacebuns, which caused a small giggle to come out of Techno.

"Since when do you style your hair?"

"Since now, loser. Comin in or what?"

"When you move your ass out of the doorway, I will."

The girl smiled and moved out of the way. Techno walked in, and immediately went straight to her room, and sat on her bed. This... was gonna be another hard confession to make. But hopefully, she'd understand.

"Alright jackass, goin up without me?" She said, once she entered the room.

"Yep. Maybe you shouldn't take so long, Amara."

"Shut up, fighter."

"Make me, Aphrodite."

(Small a/n, Amara means 'lovely forever' in Greek, essentially decending to love, and so therefor Amara has the nickname Aphrodite, Goddess of Love. I think its cute :>)

Amara sat down next to Techno, and sighed drastically.

"You said you wanted to talk and youre not even talking? Wow, rude."

"Shut it. An uh, its a bit more on the serious side, soo.."

Amara looked over, and stopped messing around. She sat quietly as Techno tried forming the words to say, to one of his friends.

"You familiar with the LGBTQ?"

"What the fuck is a LGBTQ-?"

"That's a no.. um, well, that- we can go over that later.. Asexual is a part of the LGBTQ, you following?"

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