Chapter 17 - Hold My Hand

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Platonic hand holding :)

And Wilbur's cover has been in my head for the past week


So They chose to go to a puzzle room.

They were all in the living room, Philza was standing, Wilbur sitting on the coffee table, and Techno and Tommy were on the couch. That's when they were talking about the activity they would do. And a puzzle room was brought up by Wilbur.

Wilbur suggested it after Schlatt texted saying he was going to one, and Phil said it could be fun. Techno hummed as a response with a nod, and glanced towards Tommy.

"You okay with this?" The pinkette mumbled to the 13 year old.

"I um. Yeah." Tommy said, just wanting to get shit over with.

"You know you're not forced to do this, right Tommy?"

"I know." Tommy whispered, finishing off his mumbled sentence with a silent sigh. Techno watched Tommy's gaze shift from the other's to the window, then to Techno himself. Tommy gave a half smile (which was very clearly forced) and his eyes fell again.

Techno gave a small smile back to the strawberry blonde when he looked at him.

"Schlatt had told me one opened 10 minutes from here, so I figured it would fit." Wilbur said, shrugging with a smile. Wil and his father were lost in a conversation, and Tommy nudged Technoblade slightly, panicking on the inside.

"You alright?" Techno asked, mumbling again.

"Sorry for nudging you, but um... What's a puzzle room? Like what happens in them?"

"It's okay, I didn't mind. And puzzle rooms are just these rooms you get put in, and you are given puzzles to progress to get out of the room.. If that makes sense."

Tommy nodded to the other's whisper. He bit the inside of his cheek a bit.

'Locked inside a room. Wow.'

"Okay." The strawberry blonde finally responded, glancing at the older male one last time. They tuned into the conversation that Philza and Wilbur were having. Not soon enough though.

"What do you think boys?"

"I um-," Techno cleared his throat, "Repeat the question?"

Philza chuckled, and ran a hand through his hair. Wilbur did one of those 'pftt's' and covered his mouth. To be fair, Techno is always paying attention, and for him to not for once, just was funny.

"We were thinkin' we head out in like an hour, hour 'nd a half, around then. What do you boys think?"

Tommy just nodded.

"Yeah that sounds fine, thanks dad." Techno said. Philza nodded and said 'don't thank me,' before he started talking about the options there. At this puzzle room there are three options, a library escape room, a security office puzzle room, and a horror escape hallway.

The library one is just you're locked in a library, and have to solve small and semi-easy puzzles to unlock the exit. The security office was the same thing, just slightly harder puzzles. The hallway was a bit different. It was harder than the others, and had a rug, paintings, and a single door. Apparently if you don't get out of the hall in 40 minutes some crazed killer runs at you and such.

Sounds like a big no to Tommy.

"Alright, we can decide which we do when we get there, you boys go get ready for the day." The adult said, And Wilbur immediately split off from the group. Techno and Tommy watched Phil leave, and the two stayed on the couch for a second.

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