Chapter 8 - Getting Close (Part 2)

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Short chapter, just a continuation of the previous one,, but yeah.. Wow 2 chapters in 24 hours? happened twice now.


'Why am I already attached..?'  Tommy thought to himself, as he sat in the grass across from the other. The two were talking about random topics, getting to know each other. Tommy thought something else for a moment.

"Hey Tubbo.. Y'know how you asked about my past..?"


"You have anything similar...?"

Tubbo nodded, playing with a blade of grass that he picked. His smile that he wore previously slightly faded. Instead of a big smile it was small. He broke the eye contact they previously had. He slowly ripped the blade of grass in half.

"In a sense.. not with adoption, but I got bullied quite a bit. Still do. They would beat me pretty bad, and I wasn't allowed to cry or I'd get shoved into a locker again.. I'm pretty claustrophobic.. But I have a friend now, and I completely understand not wanting to lose them."

Tubbo finished his short story with a small sigh.

"His name's Tommy."

The blonde smiled at the brunette. 

"So we're one in the same. Afraid to have something we can lose." Tommy said to the other.


Tubbo smiled, and so did Tommy.

"Why did we get so comfortable with each other..?"

"I'm not sure.. But I think we can just sense it, like we're destined to be friends. I could tell you were afraid to get comfortable with me when you took my hand back there.."

"Tubbo, no way..........was it that obvious..?"

Tubbo chuckled at Tommy's change of persona. Denied the fact, then asked if it was obvious. Tubbo just nodded while Tommy flushed in embarrassment. They talked about other things, taking their mind off of their pain.

The two sat for a while.


"What is it Tommy?"

"I told myself I wouldn't get too attached."

'Did I really just fucking admit that- what the hell is wrong with me?'

"Yeah? So did I. But look where that got us. Oh- do you have discord or something so we can talk while we have to be away?"

"Yeah I have discord.."

Tubbo pulled out a pen.

"Where the hell did that come from-"

"My pocket, can I get your hand?"

Tommy hesitantly put his arm out. Tubbo gently grabbed the others wrist and Tommy flinched. His eyes darted from the chocolate brown color of the brunette's to the grass, and held his breath while Tubbo quickly dotted down his discord on the back of Tommy's hand, not rolling up the other's sleeve.

Tommy released his breath when Tubbo didn't roll up his sleeve.

When he was finished, he let go of the blonde's wrist. Tommy looked back up at Tubbo for a second, before looking at his arm. It said 'Tubbo_#1409' but there were some scribbles where he messed up. Like put d's instead of b's.

(rip the dyslexic ^^)

Tubbo smiled widely and Tommy gave a small chuckle. 

"Why did we just click with each other... this never happens to me.."

"I'm not sure.. but I guess that just means it's a once in a life time thing huh?" Tubbo sighed and laid down in the grass, staring up into the sky.


'What the hell, man.. What if he hurts me? What will happen when I get sent back? What if I start getting used to the others..? I can't- that cant happen.'

Tommy thought back to the last time he got comfortable too quick with adoption families. It didn't go well.

Tommy smiled to himself, walking into the kitchen for a glass of water. He reached up to the cupboard and pulled down a small glass. He had already been there for 2 weeks, he can get a drink without asking, right?



Tommy shot around, looking up and the very ticked off older female. She gabbed the glass from the boy's hand, and pulled him up so they were face to face.


'Y-yes ma'am, I'm sorry I-'


Tommy shook the memory away.

Maybe this wasn't a bad thing. Maybe Tubbo could really help Tommy feel safe in the neighborhood. Maybe feel safe in the house. And in school whenever he starts going.


"Yeah Tubbo?"

"I know it's weird that we just clicked, but maybe it's a good thing. The strings of fate or something like that."

Tommy chuckled lightly, and laid down next to Tubbo.

"You read my mind, Tubbo."


696 words

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