Training begins

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Trigger warning

Self harm
Lack of sleep

Naruto POV

           "ALRIGHT, let's start. Do you know what chakra is and how to use it?" Obito asked

"...."I stood in silence.

"... C-can you use chakra?" Do you even know what it is?!" Obito yelled . I chuckled under my breathe. It's funny when he yells like that.

"" I admit. He looked at me with the ' Did you learn anything from the academy' face.

"You know what since we are up early and you don't have enough energy, you should eat breakfast first, then I'll teach you about it." Obito said while crossing his arms.

"Okay mom!" I said to Obito and ran into the kitchen to make some ramen.

"Wha- , Yeah ok son." I heard Obito said with a chuckle.

He enter the kitchen and look at the instant ramen in my hand and the boiling kettle.

"Uhh do you only eat ramen, is that the only thing you have , it's pretty unhealthy." Obito said.

"Yeah so what it's the only thing I can get from the Hokage.

" Wait, the Hokage get all of the ramen and gives it to you?! Doesn't he know this is unhealthy just to eat the same thing?!" Obito said disbelief. I laughed a little.

" Well this is my favorite food and I don't want to bother him since he is Hokage, you know stress." I say.

"Do you have money?" Obito asked

"Yes" I answered.

"Then why don't you go to a store where they don't only sell you ramen because if you keep eating ramen only and not some vegetables or fruits you can probably die more sooner." Obito said.

" I rather die then eat vegetables , also I would really love to shop on my own but the villagers don't like me." I said with a nervous laugh.

" What did you do? Start a war?" He ask with a little joke.

"Nawh, I really don't know why. But I hate when they think I'm weak. So I do something what they can't do like pranks." I said with a big smile.

"Everyone can do prank? Can't they." Obito asked. I laughed but then realized the kettle was still boiling. But I laughed more about it because my pranks are extreme. He look at me with a confused faces " Why are you laughing?" Obito asked with a nervous giggle.

" Oh goggles, my pranks are super extreme that no one can do as long as I know." I said while pouring the boiling water in the ramen. He frown at the nickname I gave him. "Maybe after eating I'll show you what kind of prank I do."

" Alright, I'm going to check on someone, you know that grey head guy that was looking at my grave, well he is one of my comrades and I'm just going to check on him so be right back, ok ?" He said. I looked at him and nodded .

" Sure go ahead." I say . He nodded and left. Since he left I was so eager to cut my arm because I'm getting stressed over that nightmare. I went to my draw and started to cut 7 lines then wrapped my arm back up. I don't want Obito to see this. Then I decided to eat a little bit of ramen then I threw it so I can go shower. I grabbed a paper and wrote
'Dear Obito,
I'm in the shower so don't come in until I come out so you have time to see your Comrades but don't come in. Because I'm in the shower.
By Naruto uzumaki'

I slapped it on the door of the bathroom. To make sure he see this. Then I went to go turn on the shower then I took out all my clothes seeing a bunch of scars and bruises . Then went in then starting cleaning my bruise and all the blood that I had in my cuts.

-After the shower-
After I finish showering I got out and wear my 'kill me clothes' then I got out to see Obito sitting with boredom.

"You have 1 hour and half to go to the academy so we I think we won't have enough time to succeed with this training at this time of the day, so get ready we will be learning how chakra works."

-After Obito teaches Naruto what chakra was it was 50 minutes Naruto have to go to the academy-

" Oh so I get it know !!" I said looking at Obito with a wide smile.

"FINALLY THAT TOOK TO LONG TO GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD!" Obito complained. I started to laugh. " Okay are you ready to get to training for uhh 52 minutes?"

"Fuck yeah!!" I said with excitement.

"Alright so you're going to learn how to climb without using your hands!" Obito said with a happy face.

"........Are you high?" I asked Obito.

To  be continued

Hey guys so I'm getting so excited because I'm making another fanfic it's call " Aggressive Fox" I'm going to post it tomorrow so stay tune bye love you be safe

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