009. everyone loves the holidays?

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"I don't know what time I'll be back, so you'll have to hand out candy by yourself." Charlie looks up at her wife from her place on the sofa, the two cats curled up on her lap. Addison leans down and presses a kiss to Charlie's lips.

"We'll be fine, got my horror films and popcorn." Charlie smiles as Addison pulls away. The older woman smiles and leans down to stroke the sleeping balls of fur curled up on Charlie's lap.

"Be good for your mom." She says scratching behind Pablo's ear.

"Addie, you're going to be late. Go." Addison reluctantly leaves the house and heads to the hospital, leaving Charlie behind with the cats.


Addison yawns and scribbles down her notes in her patient's chart. She looks up at the clock, 8:28. She just wants to go home and relax with Charlie. 

"Where's Beck?" Arizona asks Addison, as she comes out of the NICU.

"She's not on call, she worked her max hours this week." Addison checks over the chart and hands it back to a nurse.

"Oh, I thought I saw her in the lobby like 20 minutes ago."

"She's here?"  Addison asks. Why's Charlie here? Arizona nods her head and smiles.

"Do you want me to get an intern to find her?"

Addison thinks for a moment. "No, no it's okay. I'm sure we'll find each other."

Addison eventually finds her, standing in front of a vending machine waiting for her M&Ms to drop.

"I thought I left you at home on candy duty." Charlie spins around and Addison stands before, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. Charlie just grins. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm getting M&Ms."

"Honey, we have M&M's at home"

"I know that, but I wanted to get them from this vending machine." Addison just stares at Charlie clueless as to what significance this vending machine had. The packet drops with a clunk and Charlie pulls them out.

"What's so important about this vending machine?"

"The last Halloween we shared a pack in an on-call room, which I bought from this vending machine. I want to do that with you every Halloween." Addison smiles and watches as Charlie opens the pack and offers her some. Charlie holds out her hand and Addison takes it as they go off to find an on-call room.

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