024. the prodigal son returns

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"You're getting out today

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"You're getting out today." Jonah grins as stands in the doorway to Charlie's room. She's gathering her clothes and various items she was allowed to bring in her duffel bag.

"You make it sound like I'm in prison." She laughs, folding up her jumper and stuffing it in her bag. She gets out a tin that sits in the bottom and opens it. A variety of sobriety chips slide around. 1 day, 30 days, 6 months, 5 years. They slide around the tin and Charlie proudly places her new 30-day chip in and closes it shut.

"When's Addison coming?"

"I don't know, no one's told me. I don't know if she has surgery today so I'm just gonna hang around and say my goodbyes."

"Make sure you swing by the cafeteria, Heather will be heartbroken if you go without saying bye." Jonah grins and then leaves her to pack the rest of her things.

Charlie goes around the centre, saying goodbye to the friends she's made. She heads to the cafeteria and says goodbye to Heather who hugs her tight and slips her a chocolate chip cookie. "For later." She says with a wink and Charlie nods her head with a smile on her face.

"Charlie, Addison's here," Grace says as she comes and gets her. Charlie slides the strap of her duffel bag in her shoulder and follows Grace to the entrance. Jonah is standing talking to Addison, and Charlie can't help but smile at the sight of her wife.

"Here she is!" Jonah announces and pulls Charlie into a hug, rubbing his hand gently on her back. "I was thinking, maybe I could be your sponsor? We can go to NA every week or whenever you want to. I gave Addison my number and you know that you can call it at any hour, I mean it." Charlie nods and Jonah clasps a hand on her shoulder. "Great," he checks his watch, "I have to run but you be safe, okay?"

"You too, doofus." He smiles and leaves Charlie to greet Addison after so long apart. "Hey," Charlie murmurs. Addison just throws her arms around Charlie and pulls her into a tight hug.

"Hi, darling." She whispers into her wife's ear, and Charlie just squeezes her tighter.


"Are you sure you don't want to wait a few days? I can call Richard and tell him you're not feeling up to it, he'll understand." The redhead stands by the fridge, grabbing milk for her coffee.

"Addie, I haven't seen the inside of an OR for two months. If I stay away from one any longer I will go crazy and check myself back into psych." Charlie says to her pointedly. She's sitting on the kitchen island, munching on an apple as her legs swing.

Addison puts down the milk carton and stares at her wife in silence.

Charlie stops swinging her legs and stares back. "That was a joke."

"Very funny. I'm serious Charlie, If you don't feel ready I can-" Addison starts but gets cut off when Charlie puts down her apple, jumps off the counter and gently grabs her shoulders.

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