003. signed his death warrant

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She gets awoken at 4 am by Pablo meowing, pleading to be fed. He stands on her chest, one paw tapping her nose, trying to wake her up. "Pabs, please go away." She mumbles, gently shoving the cat off her chest. He doesn't give up, he jumps back and paws at her again. He meows once more and Charlie gives in. "Okay, I'm up. I will feed you." She grumbles and yaws pulling on a t-shirt over her head, wincing when the soft cotton falls upon the fresh red welts all down her back.

"Pabs, my man. We gotta talk about your eating times, seriously dude." She yawns and scrapes a tin of food into his bowl and rubbing behind his ear when he begins munching away happily. She leaves him to his food and heads back to bed. She gently pulls back the covers and slides into next to her sleeping wife. She closes her eyes for less than a minute before Addison starts placing kisses below her ear and has a hand drifting up under her shirt. "Addie, I love you but I'm exhausted. You tore up my back, pretty sure it's gonna scar."

Before she knows it, Addison is on top of her, straddling her hips. "Charlie, fuck me or I'll just do it myself and you won't be allowed to touch." Charlie's mouth immediately runs dry.

"Yep, okay." She says before gripping Addison's hips and rolling over on top of her.


"I think my wife is trying to kill me," Charlie tells her fellow residents as she strolls into the lounge, a half-full cup of coffee in her hand.

"I'm not surprised; at last she finally saw how annoying you are." Cristina smiles widely at Charlie.

"Fuck off Yang. I'm saying that she's trying to exhaust me with sex. Do you know how many times we did it last night?"

"I don't want to know."

"Even if we object you're gonna tell us anyway."

"23 times."


"Wow." Meredith stares at Charlie dumbfounded.

"23. I mean...wow, 23 times. I'm not gay but I would happily let a woman have sex with me if it meant that many orgasms." Izzie adds.

"My back is ruined. She scratched it redraw. It hurt to put on a t-shirt this morning. I know we talked about kids and practising but fucking hell. I think I might go into cardiac arrest if I keep going at this rate." She flops down on the sofa.


"Do you have a minute?" Charlie asks Meredith as she scrubs out.

"Of course. What's up."

"Can you take a look at my back?" Charlie asks sheepishly. Meredith nods her head and leads her into an exam room. Charlie sits on the bed, swinging her legs. Meredith follows behind her and pulls on a set of gloves.

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