002. this is a place where i feel at home

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On the days she's not on call she starts work on the house

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On the days she's not on call she starts work on the house. She even manages to drag Alex over to help.

"This...is your house?" They stand in front of the building. Charlie grins as Alex just stares at the house. He remembers the first time she saw it.

Alex insisted that they were taking a shortcut back to Meredith's house, but Alex couldn't even walk straight let alone remember directions. They're singing and hollering, arms around each other's shoulders when suddenly she trips over a crack in the sidewalk and falls flat on her face. She laughs and rolls around the grass she landed on.

"Are you okay?" He slurs trying to help her up. He tries to pick her up but in his drunken state, he has no strength and falls on the wet grass next to her.

She rolls over and looks up at the house they were in front of. A house, a large derelict, falling apart house that Charlie immediately falls in love with.

"Wow." She gapes.

"What?" Alex rolls over and stares at the building.

"I'm wanna live in that one day." She smiles and stares up at the house.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." He murmurs before promptly throwing up all over the grass.

"Not just mine, Alex. Mine and Addison's. This is it; I'm gonna raise my family here." She smiles and rests her hands on her tool belt, slung low across her hips.

"Well then," He clasps a hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Let's make this house a home."

Charlie is halfway through knocking down a wall when her phone rings. She sets down the hammer and answers her vibrating phone.

"We just touched down!" Her mom's voice calls as she answers.

"Oh, wow." She says, leaning against the sledgehammer.

"We're getting a taxi from the airport to the hotel then the boys are heading straight to the house from there. Are you at the hospital? I thought I would come by and say hello."

"I'm not on-call today so I'm at the house with Alex, we're making a start on the walls but Addie is at the hospital if you wanna say hello."

Her mom sends her love and hangs up letting Charlie get on with smashing down a wall.


"Hi, could you point me in the direction of Dr Montgomery please?" Lisa asks a receptionist at the front of the hospital.

"Mrs Beck," Mark smirks and leans an arm on the receptionist's desk.

"Mark." She smiles at him. 

"How about we find an on-call room and continue our conversation from the wedding?" He smirks at her and leans closer.

Lisa just laughs and presses a hand into his chest, pushing him back slightly.

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