The Father

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-Lance POV-

I stared in awe at her home. I had expected maybe a big house, or at least a house, but not that. In front of us was a huge building, I didn't even know what to call it. It definitely wasn't a mansion, and it wasn't a castle. It was super huge and long, I couldn't think of anything that compared to it.

I was so in awe all I could manage was one simple question. "What is this?" I asked, the look of awe once again plastered on my face.

She looked at me and laughed. "This is the longhouse, it's where the cities chief lives. Come on, my dad is inside." She said as she opened the doors.

I followed her inside piecing together why we were at the chiefs longhouse. We were greeted with the sound of a man yelling. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ANOTHER SHIP SANK?! YOU TOLD ME YOU FIXED THE PROBLEM!" The man thundered. Outside there was a loud boom I recognized as thunder, but it was a sunny day.

I silently followed Astrid to a room behind the throne. There was a table with a big map on it in the center, but that's not what caught my eye. Standing in front of us was towering man with red hair and giant muscles, he seemed to be eight feet tall. He was dressed like the guards, except he didn't have a shirt, just a bear pelt on his back. The head of the bear was on his head like a helmet, the mouth was open so he could see out of it.

The man he was talking to responded timidly. "Jarl, I thought so too, but it seems we missed something." The man said timidly.

The Jarl leaned down so he was eye to eye with the man. "You have one more chance." The Jarl growled out. The man nodded and rushed off.

Me and Astrid were standing there silently, waiting for the Jarl to notice us. Soon he turned and saw Astrid. "Oh, welcome home Astrid. How was guard duty today?" The man said, he sounded calmed down.

Astrid smiled and walked over to him. "It was good, I made a friend when I was relieved. I brought you donuts and banana bread." She said as she handed him the basket.

I was staring at him wide eyed. "I didn't know humans came in that size..." I mumbled in awe of his sheer size. It was like he was shrouded in an aura of pure authority and power. He noticed me out of the corner of his eye, then slowly turned to me, or at least it felt slow. His eyes reminded me of a wolfs, they were amber yellow and seemed to be glowing, though that could've just been my imagination. It felt like he was staring directly into my soul.

Then he said something I was not expecting. "Oh, you must be the new friend she was talking about. I'm Jarl Thorin Byron. May I ask your name?" He asked in a kind voice.

I snapped out of my stupor and spoke. "I- I'm Lance Chusi-Katz." I said, that really caught his attention.

"Katz? As in the great warlock Usoro Katz?" He asked curiously.

I nodded. "Yes, I believe he's one of my ancestors, I just recently found out about my heritage, so I don't know a lot." I said, hoping it was a good thing.

He nodded. "I see, well it's nice to know that the bloodline is still going. I hope you weren't intimidated by me when I was yelling at my subordinate." He said.

I nodded. "Honestly, I am absolutely terrified, but not because of the yelling." I said.

He tilted his head. "Then what was it?" He asked in confusion.

I scratched the back of my head. "How do I put this?... I mean this in the best way possible, but I didn't know humans came in your size." Both him and Astrid paused for a second, then they both burst out into laughter.

Once he calmed down he spoke again. "I get that a lot." He said.

I staid silent and just nodded.

He spoke again. "So, can I ask what brings you to Azrard?" He asked with a smile.

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