The Festival Begins

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-Lance POV-

I woke up in the infirmary to find the dock about to cut into my neck with a scalpel.

He immediately noticed I was awake and smiled. "Good morning General. Don't move, tense up, or try to talk. This isn't what it looks like. Your neck wound was getting infected, I'm going to cut it back open, clean it out, then stitch it closed. You got extremely lucky, yet again. The blade narrowly missed your voice box. You will be able to talk after a day or two. I'm going to start now." He said.

I grabbed his hand. "Wait... did we lose any?" I asked with a weak voice.

He smiled brightly. "Far from it, we didn't lose anyone. There were a few that lost a limb, and some nearly fatal wounds, but they all survived. All thanks to your words. You called that the Slaughter of Devils, but it was more like the Day of Apollo." He said.

I nodded and relaxed my neck. "Ok, I'm ready." I said.

He nodded and got to work. He finished hours later, and finally let me sit up.

"I recommend you stay in bed, but I'm sure you won't, so just be careful, you lost a lot of blood." He said.

I nodded and put my armor back on. I found the sword I'd taken from the Persian General next to the bed with its sheath. I had learned that it's name was 'The Emerald Studded Sword'. I looked at him questioningly.

He seemed to understand because he chuckled. "You were holding it tightly when you got here and no one could get it away from you. The Jarl brought the sheath for you."

I nodded. He handed me a book of blank pages along with a pencil. "Communicate with this." He said.

I nodded, and wrote on the first page. "Thank you." I said before putting the sword on my waist.

He nodded. "No problem, now go celebrate with the others. I'll join the party shortly." He said with a smile.

I made my way out of the infirmary to find the fortress completely empty, but I heard music outside of the walls. I made my way out of the fortress to find that the residents of Atlantis had returned to their homes and shops. It looked like there was a festival going on, there were people playing music all over the place and there were also good and game stands set up. Soldiers cheered as they saw me walking by, I couldn't respond verbally, so I raised my fist in the universal symbol for victory in response. I made my way to where I'd left my wagon and horses to find that the owners of the places had come back and my things were gone.

I was gonna get angry until I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned to find Helena in the drivers seat of my Wagon.

"You're lucky I remembered that you hid them." She said smugly. She wasn't wearing her armor, instead she was wearing a blue sundress.

I pulled out the book and wrote down a response, then showed it to her. 'Don't get cocky.'

She rolled her eyes. "I'll do what I want. Anyway, I think you owe me for securing these for you. I wanna sit next to you, the whole way to Azrard." She said.

I shrugged and she cheered. It almost seemed unlike her, but I remembered that I'd met her after the war started. I climbed into the back and made sure everything was still there. I was happy to see that it was. I climbed into the drivers seat and made her scoot over. I drove the wagon back to the fortress and tied the horses up right outside city hall.

I wrote in the book and showed it to her. 'Where are the others?'

She smiled. "Follow me." She said happily before... skipping away.

I followed her to find Astrid peeking around a corner. I was confused so I peeked out as well. I saw Charlotte and Agis holding hands while walking down the streets and window shopping.

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