The Feast

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-Lance POV-

I was in the war room with general Agata and my squad. We were all sitting in silence, just taking it all in.

Charlotte was the first to speak. "What was that?" She asked eyeing the general. I assume she was talking about what happened just minutes ago.

I spoke up instead, because I could tell from his cycle that he was grieving. "He needed to set an example, to discourage anymore traitorous activity. That man also killed general Perseus, he deserved worse." I said.

Charlotte glared at me. "I wasn't talking to you." She snapped.

I narrowed my eye. "Then stop talking and let them grieve. We lost a great man today." I said.

She went silent.

After a bit Helena spoke up. "How are we going to retaliate?" She asked angrily.

I thought for a minute, before getting an idea. "I have an idea, but I'd have to leave Atlantis for a day or two and get help from a friend, I'd also need time to recuperate when I get back." I said.

The general looked at me. "What would you and your friend do?" He asked.

"We'd strike terror into their hearts, and leave the mighty Spartans shivering like scared children. It would shatter their morale and leave them questioning their cause." I said.

The general nodded. "Who is this friend you speak of? And how do you know they'll help?" He asked.

I sighed. "I can't say who for political reasons. Also I don't know that they will, but I need to talk to my mother anyway, and it's along the way. I'll bring some incentive as well." I said.

The general nodded. "What should we do while you're gone?" He said.

I thought for a second. "Send in a scout to learn their next move, but don't take the papers. Once you find out what and when it is, it's up to you. I'll be leaving tonight at midnight. Helena, would you mind walking with me?" I asked.

She shook her head and we left. "What do you want?" She asked.

I sighed. "First I wanna say, I'm sorry about your grandfather. He was the nicest person I've ever met. Second, I need you to do something while I'm gone." I said.

She nodded. "What is it?" She asked.

"I'll show you, follow me." I said.

She nodded and followed me to the deserted stables I'd been keeping my horses in. "What are these doing here?" She asked in confusion.

I stroked their manes. "These are my horses, I need you to watch after them while I'm gone. I know you must be going through a lot, but there's no one I trust more to watch them." I said.

She nodded. "I'll do it, I love horses." She said with a small smile.

I smiled a little. "Thank you, I'll be sure to repay you when I return." I said.

She nodded and smiled a bit. "Bring me back something tasty." She said.

I chuckled a little. "I will, you just take care of the horses and yourself. I'm serious, you'd better be alive when I come back." I said.

She nodded. "I will." She said before giving me a hug.

I didn't know how to respond so I just hugged her back. "What's this for?" I asked.

She rested her head against my chest. "Just in case." She said.

I nodded. "Well, I need to go get something from somewhere secret. I'll come say goodbye before I take off." I said.

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