The Revolution

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-Lance POV-

I looked back at the city as the roar of Spartan preparing for battle rung out.

My brow was furrowed in confusion. "Why would they be going to battle in their own city? unless..." I turned the wagon around and whistled loudly. My horses took off in the direction of the city.

I stashed my horses and wagon just outside the city behind some tall bushes. I ran into the city just in time to see a Spartan soldier about to cut down a female Athenian soldier. In an instant I pulled out my spear and launched myself forward. I spun and smacked the sword out of the Spartans hands then used the momentum to kick him away.

The Athenian soldier charged forward and stabbed him through the neck.

"What's happening?" I asked the Athenian.

The Athenian turned to me. "The Spartans finally snapped. We've always been on unstable terms, but I didn't think they'd go this far." She said.

I nodded. "I have a feeling I might have something to do with this. I'll stay and help you fight, I'm a relic holder." I said.

She nodded and led me to the main fight. I used my spear to push both side apart. One soldier tried to rush me, but I launched him back into his allies.

General Leon emerged from the Spartan line, but instead of his helmet he was wearing a crown. "What are you doing here Lance? You have your payment, it's time for you to go." He said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What's going on here?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Well, it's not like you can stop, so I might as well just say it. We Spartans are tired of being the guard for these weaklings, so we're taking over. All I needed was the Spartan crown, thanks for that by the way." He said.

The Atlantian and Athenian generals emerged from their troops. "You started this?" The Athenian general asked angrily.

I turned to them. "I didn't know this was going to happen, he just paid me to retrieve something from Sparta. Still, I played a hand in this, so I will help you fight them." I said loud enough for them to hear.

They thought for a second then nodded. "Agreed." An arrow whizzed by my cheek from behind and hit the Athenian general in the chest.

I didn't have enough power to use my spears power again so I charged with the Athenians and Atlantians at my heels. I used my spear to vault over the front line of shields.

I quickly realized that was a mistake. I dodged weapons left and right until my side used my distraction to cut the soldiers around me down. I started fighting the only way I knew how, I picked up a bow and started shooting.

Hours later both sides agreed they had to withdraw due to hunger and exhaustion. I had been hit a few times, but I was only really injured once. It was just a shallow cut on my cheek. I followed the army back to what I assume was the town hall.

The Atlantian general slammed me against the wall. "Why didn't you use your abilities?" He asked angrily, almost yelling.

"I didn't have enough energy, plus if I used that ability during battle, there's a good chance I'd hit some of our side. I'm sorry about all of this, I didn't know what was in the box, if I had I wouldn't have brought it to him." I said keeping my cool.

He let me go and sighed. "Do you at least know how to actually fight with a spear?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Up until recently this was a staff, so I only know how to fight with a staff, but if someone could teach me I'd learn to fight and put my abilities to use." I said.

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