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-Lance POV-

I sat down and sighed, then rubbed my head. "I'm gonna get a headache from all this." I said.

Poseidon and Pan appeared in front of me. For the first time I got a good look at Pan. He had large goat horns growing out of his head through his curly brown hair, and a pair of goat legs, that he made no effort to cover, all he wore on his bottom half was a pair of boxers. He was very toned, but by no means bulky, he looked like he exercised, but never worked out. He wore an open green robe on his upper half, and that was it. His eyes were completely dark green, and he had the same skin tone as Charlotte.

Pan spoke first. "You took that remarkably well. How did you process everything so fast?" He asked.

I laughed a little. "When it comes to Poseidon and people like him, I try not to process, it'll just give a me a headache. I just accept it, and go with it." I said.

He nodded. "So you never question it?" He asked curiously.

"Maybe after, but unless it's important, no. Sorry about your island by the way." I said.

He shook his head. "It's fine. So, your father was Tristan Chusi?" He asked.

I nodded. "That's him. Did you know him?" I asked.

He nodded. "He was a crazy man, in a good way. I once had told him I'd give him the location of a relic if he tasted every type of berry and mushroom in the forest. He did it without a second thought." He said.

I nodded. "So he wasn't what my mother said..." I mumbled.

He rose an eyebrow. "What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing, just thinking aloud." I said.

He nodded. "Well, seeing as you're Tristan's son, I'm going to make you an offer." He said.

I looked at him curiously. "I'm listening." I said.

He held out his hand and a purple mushroom with yellow spots grew out of it. "If you eat this, I will form a bond with you and enhance your nature domain as well as give you basic knowledge of all mushrooms and berries, in exchange for nothing." He said.

I shrugged. "Ok, just give me the antidote if it's poisonous." I took it from him and ate it.

He started laughing and Poseidon face palmed. "Idiot."

About twenty minutes later I blacked out. The last thing I remember was everything changing colors and gaining patterns while Pan laughed.

I woke up tied down to my bed in the camp. Beside me was Astrid and Helena sound asleep. I looked to my other side to see Pan sitting there drinking, something, it smelled like tea.

He smirked at me. "Have fun?" He asked.

I narrowed my eyes. "Why can't I remember anything?" I asked.

He chuckled. "It must be a side effect of the Purpura mushroom." He said.

I nodded and sighed. "Whatever, untie me." I said.

He chuckled. "No can do, wouldn't want those two to know I was here. Now then, let's see what you get." He said before putting his hand on my forehead.

"Connect." He said before covering my mouth.

I felt a pain at the base of my spine, in my eyes, in my nose, in my throat, on top of my head, in my mouth, and in all my muscles. Once it was over, he held up a mirror so I could see the blonde lion ears on my head. I recognized them from the time I ran into one on a long hunt back home. I turned my head to see my old ears were gone. I opened my mouth to see enlarged and sharpened teeth. I noticed I could smell a lot better too.

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