The Continuation

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-Lance POV-

I sighed and stepped in front of Agis. "He saved my life, he's on our side now. I'll take responsibility for him." I said tiredly.

They all nodded and backed off, but were still weary.

I turned to Agis. "Give me your sword." I said tiredly.

He took his sheathed sword off his waist and handed it to me. "Here." He said skeptically.

I put it on my waist. "I'll hold onto this until you're cleared. Follow me." I said before yawning.

He nodded. "Ok." He said.

We walked away. I led him to the war room where we found both generals discussing our next room. They both stopped when they saw us.

Agis got down on one knee, took off his helmet, and bowed his head to them. "General Agata, general Perseus, it's good to see you again, though I wish it were under better circumstances." He said.

The two generals narrowed their eyes at me. "What's going on here?" Perseus asked. I noticed he had a new set of bandages on his left arm.

I took a breath. "Agis was going to just surrender and become a prisoner of war, but he saved my life, and killed a Spartan in the process, I want him to join us. If he betrays us, I will take full responsibility. His actions possibly saved Helena and Charlotte as well." I said seriously, trying not to sound ready to pass out.

They both nodded, but weren't convinced. Agata spoke first. "That is indeed a lot, we'd be willing to let him leave Atlantis until this is all over, but if he wants to join us we'll need more. He needs to prove that he is no longer aligned with the Spartans." He said.

Perseus nodded. "His mother was an Athenian, so I'd be willing to allow him to join our army if he were to give a live display of proof." He said seriously.

I nodded. "Agis?" I asked.

He looked up. "I've never been close with any Spartans aside from my father. I'll burn my cape." He said before taking his cape off.

The two generals nodded. "That would be enough." Agata said.

Agis nodded and stood up. "I need something to light it." He said.

I grabbed a torch off the wall and handed it to him. He set his cape alight and dropped it on the marble floor. He watched as it burned. I put the torch back.

I pushed magic into my eyes and read his cycle. He was sad, but there were no signs of anger. Agata looked at me out of the corner of his eye. I nodded.

He nodded. "Well, that settles it. You will join the Athenian army." Agata said.

I cut in. "Actually. I want him to fight at my side with me, Charlotte, and Helena. I don't think the other Athenian's would take to kindly to a half Spartan joining them." I said, hoping they'd agree.

Agata nodded. "I agree, Athenians are usually very accepting and progressive, but I don't know about during wartime." He said.

Perseus nodded. "You have a point. While you're here, we'd like to promote you to captain. Your plan went almost flawlessly with very few casualties, which is quite rare in wartime. You will be able to officially form your own unit and take credit for strategies used in this war." He said.

I nodded. "I don't want a salary, but I accept." I said still keeping my composure.

Agata laughed. "We weren't gonna pay you either way, you did say yourself that you played a hand in starting this." He said.

I nodded. "Ok. Well, I think it's clear who I want in my squad." I said.

They nodded and Agata spoke again. "That it is. One more thing then you're dismissed." He said.

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