The Spartan Peaks

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-Lance POV-

I was still standing on the blackberry covered Spartan peak, processing what had just happened. I never thought I'd ever meet Poseidon, or any gods for that matter.

"Should I go to the house first or the cave?... I guess the cave would be the smarter option." I said. I grabbed my staff and jumped into the water.

I took a breath through my gills and found that it was fairly easy, like breathing in thick fog. I pushed myself to the tallest Spartan peak and found the entrance to the cave.

I went inside to find that it was completely dry. Something had kept the water out throughout all the years. Mounted on the wall was the Cretin bulls hide, and there were various objects around the cavern. In the center of the cavern there was a grand table covered in various items, but only one caught my eye. In the center of the table there was a spear head, it was in perfect condition and looked to be razor sharp. There was a bit of wood sticking out of the bottom of the spear head.

I immediately went over and grabbed it. "Is this-" I collapsed.

I heard a voice ring out. "Welcome child, to the tales of Leonids. I will give you a second to take it in and process." It said.

I was in a completely black area. A few feet away there was a man on a midnight black throne. He looked to be a Spartan with a long gray beard and a Spartan braid. His eyes were a dark grey and his skin was perfectly tanned. His muscles were almost as perfect as Poseidon's. On his face was a battle hardened look.

"My spearhead won't give you much power, but it will give you the tactical mind of a Spartan king and enhanced physical abilities. Let us begin." He said.

I sat down and listened to him tell his tales and the tales he had witnessed or heard in his lifetime.

He finished hours later, I'd learned so much from him it almost hurt my head. He didn't say goodbye, just disappeared.

I woke up with a slight headache. As I looked around I noticed I was thinking differently, running through my mind was everything that could possibly happen. I looked down at the spearhead in my hand. I thought for a second then put it against my staff. It glowed for a minute, when it subsided the the staff and the spearhead were one. The spearhead was on top of the hook. I shrunk it down and put it in my quiver.

I made my way over to the cretin bulls hide and pulled it off the wall. I rolled it up and put it under my arm. I took all the coin purses in the room and put them all in a sack I found in the corner. I put the hide in as well and left everything else for anyone who might want them.

I left the cave and went back to the blackberry covered Spartan peak. I buried the new sack with my old sack, then collected berries for dinner.

After I'd finished eating I stood up and stretched. I used my spear to push myself through the water to the Spartan peak with the house on top. I went to the house and opened the door to find cobwebs everywhere. I used my spear to push the cobwebs away and went inside. I searched the house until I found the box. I took it back to the island I'd been staying on and put it with my other stuff.

I went under water and took a few breaths through my gills. Once I was in the rhythm, I swam down to the sunken village. I found Poseidon playing with some dolphins, he was laughing and having a good time.

He saw me and smiled. "Ah, Lance, come say hello to my dolphin friends." They swam over and nudged me playfully.

I was confused how he could talk, but decided to try. "Hi... how can we talk down here?" I asked as I pet the dolphins.

He shrugged. "I don't know, but I don't question it." He said with a smile.

I nodded. "Ok. Poseidon, why did you choose me?" I asked curiously.

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