Rest And Recovery

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-Lance POV-

I walked up to the longhouse, I was still achy, sore, and in pain from overusing push. I made my way inside and found my stuff. I put on my shirt and coat. I put my bow on the outside of my coat and slung my sack over my shoulder.

I went into the room with the map and found the Jarl. "Jarl Thorin, good morning." I said with a smile.

He smiled back at me. "Good morning, my boy. Are you going already?" He asked with a face of concern.

I nodded. "I have to be home by the end of the month, and I still have a lot of materials to collect." I said.

He walked over and put his hand on my shoulder, I winced slightly. "I don't think you're ready to travel just yet. I'll tell you what, give me a few days and I'll get you a wagon to help you in your travels, as payment for helping with the kraken. Until then you can stay here, rest, and recover." He said.

I thought about it. "That would shave a lot of time off of my travels, and I guess I could gather supplies while I'm here. Though, I would need to learn how to drive a wagon." I said.

He nodded. "Leave it to me, I'm sure I could find someone to teach you how." He said with a smile.

I nodded. "Ok, I'll stay for a few days. Where am I going to sleep though?" I asked.

He thought for a minute. "There's a bed in the cellar." He said.

I smiled. "Sounds good to me." I said as I set my sack down.

He seemed to remember something. "Oh right. Here you are." He said as he pulled two of the dragon scales from his pocket.

He handed them to me and I put them in my sack. "Thank you. Could you tell Astrid to find me later? I still need that lightning bolt." I said as I slung my sack over my shoulder once again.

He nodded. "I will. While you're here, you should buy some new clothes, it might help you not to stand out on your travels." He said.

I nodded. "Good idea. That reminds me. Where can I take a bath?" I asked curiously.

"There's a bathroom in the cellar." He said.

I furrowed my brow. "What's a bathroom?" I asked in confusion.

His eyes widened. "You don't have bathrooms where you come from?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No. What is it?" I asked.

He sighed. "Follow me, I'll show you how it works." He said before leading down to the cellars bathroom. He explained how everything inside worked, then gave me a towel and went to attend to his duties as a Jarl.

I took a shower, then just dressed. I grabbed my coin purse and went to the market. I still had my bow and quiver on me, but I'd left my sack back in the cellar. I made my way to Asmund's stand.

"Hey Asmund, do you know any good clothing shops around here?" I asked as I leaned against the counter of his stand.

He turned to me with a smile. "Hello, Lance. I know a few shops, but I'd recommend 'Luna's Threads', it's right on the corner at the exit of the market. Here take this as well." He said as he handed me a coin purse.

I furrowed my brow. "What's this for?" I asked in confusion.

He chuckled. "I owed your father a lot, since he's no longer around, my debt transfers to you. Now, I won't pay in full, but if you ever need a bit of equin just let me know." He said with a smile.

I smiled and nodded. "That's good to know. Thank you Asmund." I said, before walking away.

I made my way to the shop he told me about. I stopped outside to admire the building. It had to be at least four stories tall, the windows were large and amazingly clean. The outside was painted light blue so it really stood out, above the door there was a big sign with the shops name written in cursive. After a few seconds I went inside. The inside was the same color as the outside, clothes hung all over the shop, and there was a counter across the room.

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