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Of all the natural marvels that one experiences, while we the gods were responsible for most of it, we were not responsible for it all. Some things were left to the humans to create. Language was among one of them, and they taught it to us. Nowadays I find it quite amusing how once upon a time I had existed without language, how I managed to articulate my thoughts without words. Back then, though, it was the norm.

Mortals eventually gave me a name, I had round features back then, round eyes and really fluffy hair, so they named me Circumference, though my three companions all called me Circ for short. To the point where often, when people call me "sir", I mistake that for my old nickname.

Speaking of which, I was not the only one who gained a name

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Speaking of which, I was not the only one who gained a name.

Little Blue, they called Tesseract. Green, they called Aster. And the rainbow one? They called her Trinity.

We learned from the mortal humans. We simply created a canvas and filled it with colour, but they added the details. They too experienced the joy of creation, though not as much of a grand scale. We invented nature, they invented culture. They also taught us how to walk like they did. Took us a while, but we got the hang of it.

The four of us were inseparable, really. Of course, it's obvious, considering that we were each the first people we had ever seen in our lives. We were born of the same materials, just different colours. We did everything together, as a group of companions. Swimming in the ocean, frolicking across meadows, creating more things, sleeping under the stars- They were my first friends, and really my only ones even to this day.

We were gods. We were not ordinary. Other than our ability to control substance itself, we had some other abilities. My hearing is so sharp that I can hear people's pulses through the air and can tell if a person is lying or not through just their heart rate, and as I found out later I also had perfect pitch and synesthesia. 

Tess seemed to be a healer, I'm not sure if this is a conscious power or a passive ability of hers, but it seems that she can heal any wound or plague, and she's also able to sense diseases, internal wounds and even pregnancies through some strange sixth sense. 

Speaking of a sixth sense, Aster had one, except that he can literally tell if a fire started in a forest hundreds of thousands of miles away, if someone is yelling for help when even I cannot hear them, and if someone is not sincere in their heart. It's like he just knows what's going on in the world. Honestly, telling of them now, why was I stuck with "good hearing" when they have "super healing" and "omniscience"? Life isn't fair, even for us gods it seems.

Trinity, the Goddess made of rainbow light and embodied every single colour on the spectrum, never stopped being shiny and iridescent. Even back then when colours started to appear mingled together, there was nothing that really existed that was as colourful as she was. That same awe I had back when everything was mere primordial mist had not faded, even now.

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