New Game

830 21 39

Empty plains towards the Sacred Hills, 1745 Hours

All around him, the earth sang a song of despair, singing of anguish, pain and chaos. The orchestra of nature was shrieking with anarchy, with people screaming, earth splitting, seas roaring as everything was being mercilessly destroyed.

It was music to his ears.

The sky was changing in colour as the sun disappeared from view, fleeing from the very presence of this ancient evil. Sure, all this might've been a little bit over-the-top for his grand re-entrance, but he needed the earth and sea weakened. Otherwise there'd be no way for his plan to work.

When he emerged from that cave, the fresh air hit him like a fist to the face. it was a feeling he missed dearly, that of freedom. He glanced at the setting sun, single functioning eye twinkling with awe, admiring it for a moment. Just a moment. Just a moment to admire the only thing about this world he would hesitate to destroy.

Then, when he had enough, he bought forth the End of the World.

This world. This... "Paradise", apparently, was nothing but hell. This was a world crafted by sinful hands and malicious hearts. This was a world that deserved to have every single ounce of it burnt and destroyed. He had a goal and would stop at nothing to reach it. Anarchy. Genocide. Destruction. Annihilation.

God it all tasted so sweet.

That little Square and its much larger human friend were fools. Ironic, isn't it? It was the very gatekeeper that prevented him from escaping his prison, yet it was the one who freed him. The moment he looked at its face he felt like vomiting. He would be much more thankful if it were say, another innocent, unknowing human that had freed him instead, but at the time he was focused primarily on destroying it. He would've spared its little friend, the tall boy, but the moment the larger male ran off with the Square in tow, all potential for his mercy had been completely shattered. Shame. The boy looked so scared. He almost pitied him. But no one takes his prey away from him. No one.

But now, with his corrupted appendages carrying him to it, he stared up at the glowing, ethereal Tree of Life. It's been years, hasn't it? God, the bright radiance from the tree hurts his eyes. He lowered himself down to the earth, and peered at its trunk, circling around it with a focused intent in his sole visible eye. He stared at each pruny bump in the wood, searching for something. And the moment he found it, he smiled as he reached a pink talon to the innocent Tree's wood. He pressed the flat of his palm against it, and just like the cave wall, intricate, ornate blue runes lit up on the bark. It was shaped like a diamond, and slowly the earth started to respond to the touch.

A malicious smile spread across his chapped lips as suddenly the earth split open, revealing the hill the Tree of Life rested on to be hollow, like a secret room. He used his corrupted arms to lift him to the base of the hill, eye twinkling with a malevolent glee.

This was the Tree of Life's little secret.

With the earth opened up, the Tree's massive roots were exposed. The river water was revealed to be flowing into the now hollow mountain, like a cave. The level of the water was almost touching the roots, with four sections of the grotto containing a bowl-like object each, filled with a glowing crystalline liquid. Above each bowl was a concentration of tree roots, all drooping downwards towards the basins. Glowing blue fireflies danced in the air, illuminating the dark interior.

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