Unlocking the Lunar Spectra

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Terribly sorry about this chapter's lateness- it was a very hard chapter to write and school was literally fucking me in the ass so I was having a lot of issues. I genuinely hate this chapter and I just want to move on from it and get to torturing my babies with some angst asap. I literally cannot voice how much I hate these "level" chapters.

You don't even have to read this, but please leave a vote nonetheless because those are what inspires me to continue this series, seriously, I only got 6 votes on the last chapter and I became depressed for a while after that

This is literally just 7000 words of pure utter bullshit

I put so much thought into the CTM part of the Industry arc that I COMPLETELY neglected what comes before- I feel like a big idiot :C

I promise that I'll make up for this with the CTM bit though.

1220 hours, Industry

The thing about dashing is that in the end, you still needed to touch the ground to propel yourself forwards and ultimately move. It's just running really far really fast and with each step you can also phase through walls. There is still that split second opportunity where your body is material and solid, otherwise you'll just phase through the floor.

And it seemed that Fresh took exploited this, and with the corrupted most likely to come across a Guardian he purposefully made them train to be able to take advantage of this split second of weakness, of tangibility. The Corrupted in the Industry being no exception. Rather, the best were situated there. Of the six shots fired- three hit their targets successfully. After all now, guns of any sort were effective against both humans and guardians alike.

Not to mention that this also covers another major, major disability that the Corrupted all have... But we'll get to that a bit later.

Currently, Tetra happened to find themselves staring up at a large chute which they would've assumed all four of them had fallen from. Up above were thick floating platforms of moving conveyor belts, 30 meters above.

30 meters...

Wait... How come they fell 30 meters and didn't have any broken bones? Feeling around their body, other than a myriad of painful bruises they were relatively intact. And it happened so quickly too, it was like one moment they were up on the conveyor belts and the next they were on the ground 30 meters below. Confused, they sat up, looking around. The rest of their siblings were scattered nearby, gasping for breath as their wide eyes stared above them. All over the floor were shards of yellow glass. Ah. So that's why they weren't hurt that much. Due to the nature of Lumina's shields they managed to soften the blow. While they still ached all over, they weren't a stain on the ground.

Though, when they looked back up, they saw a rapidly falling object descending from the conveyor belts, and furrowed their eyebrows at what that thing could possibly be. Was someone jumping down after them? That's absurd, they'd break their legs at that height, and they can't heal themselves like the Quartet can-

Someone snatched Tetra's shoulders and pulled them away, yelling at them. They were forcibly carried, and three seconds later a huge weighted net smashed into the ground exactly where they were. There were dents in the ground from the heaviness- they must be at least thrice their weight. It would've completely trapped them underneath and stopped them from dashing had they not gotten out of the way, leaving them completely and utterly defenceless. The thought made their cheeks turn white.

"What the hell, man!" Pi yelled at Tetra. Thank Tree of Life for her speedy reaction. "We're not out of the woods yet, I think they're dropping nets on us- Run!"

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