
411 10 27

Mount Clearwater, 1300 Hours

"Do we have to go into that dark scary cave?" Pi whined, untying his hair and letting the wet strands fall down his equally wet back. No way was he letting his hair dry while in a bun, anyone who has had long hair at some point of their lives can agree with that.

"Pi, you sound like a five year old."

"I don't care, I just don't like it! It makes me feel like there's some kind of monster in there."

"Okay, now you sound like a three year old."

"Shut up!"

"We're going in the cave, because there's literally lava spewing out of the volcano and down the mountain! Treesus, use your brain! We didn't see Pink Bastard come down the mountain, so he's probably still in here. We're going along the scenic route!"



Pi spluttered for a few seconds, flustered, before putting his hand on his dagger in case any danger were to arise. His eyes darted around the area, heavily breathing and checking for any possibility of danger as he clutched Lumina's hand.

Inside of cave - too dark to see. Ocean - no disturbance. Up the mountain - well there's a large dark figure squatting on the edge drinking a bottle of beer while looking down at everyone, so- WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK?

Pi screamed in alarm as he took a step back, realising just he just saw. His other three siblings looked at him, then at what he was looking at, and suddenly silence fell.

"Hello." Fresh, whom them all knew as "Pink Bastard", muttered as he took another sip out of a green bottle of alcohol. Where the hell did he even get that from??? "Don't mind me, I just heard some kid whining and I decided to check it out. Not disappointed."

He waved and smiled, wriggling his fingers like greeting a friend. "I bet you're all looking for me, right?"

Nobody spoke. But everyone did react to his presence.

Pi was visibly shaking with mixed emotion, on one hand cowardice was constricting his muscles, turning them stiff as he was glued to where he was. One the other hand he wanted to make him pay for all the destruction he's caused, and he felt disgusted with the sheer amount of anger in his body that bubbled and gurgled like molten iron. He trembled both from fear and rage. Quin's entire being was just frozen in place, the bitter rain freezing him to his core alongside the primal fear that raised from looking into the demon's eyes. He couldn't move. His face went pale. His chest pounded like a drum and there was a small part of him that said that he was better off drowning in the nearby ocean than facing up against this monster. Lumina couldn't believe what she was seeing. This- This was him? He looks more cleaner and fresher than the last time they saw him, but that did not take anything away from the fact that Lumina's legs almost buckled beneath her. This guy almost killed them. This guy was too strong for any of them to handle.

But Tetra

Tetra reacted the most extremely.

That shade of pink, those pair of horns, that malicious smile filled with razor sharp teeth... It almost felt like those teeth had sunk down into their heart when they looked at him. While the others were petrified, with anger, with shock, with fear - Tetra's legs moved without them being aware of it.

They snatched the dagger from Pi's frozen body as they dashed up the mountain, towards the dark figure on the side of the rocky mountain, in opposition of the mini bullets of water against their skin. Now the only light in their vision was from the gurgling magma flowing from out of the volcano's mouth, and the little petals emitted off their body when they dashed, but they could still see the king. They could still see their target. He didn't even react to their hot, bloody charge, instead just looking down at them like they were just another insect.

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