Dubwoofer Substep

335 10 43

Once again I apologise about the late upload

The Tower, 1540 hours

Fresh's domain was starting to become more and more populated, much to the king's delight. That would mean that the lower floors would have more people in them, and that the formerly desolated halls would fill up with more life!

Ever since Barracuda left he's been kinda lonely, to be honest.

Don't get the wrong idea, there is absolutely NOTHING romantic in this situation, his standards were far too high, he just missed having company around. Having actual thinking company that aren't mindless and who made good conversation.

But oh well, he'll just wait until she's back. Then they'll have a lot to catch up on! And there's also the possibility of another Awoken turning up, the more the merrier!

Doesn't change the fact that he was bored though. He had been playing the guitar on the Tower's summit for the past three hours and now he was getting restless. Melodies, melodies, melodies...

Good news!

You see, all of the beatmaps for the Corrupted leaves were all engineered by Fresh himself. Music, design, everything. He had a lot of time on his hands when he was locked up, combine that with being a Creative Powerhouse and you get something truly amazing. Take Pink Roses/Paradise Lost for example, this was all made because Jun_was_bored_as_sh1t. Once he was free he immediately transferred all of his creations onto that of the leaves. But there were some ambitious ones that had to take a while.

Some of the biggest and most difficult beat maps for leaves were coming along nicely. There were several he was particularly proud of.

Cool Friends and Lunar Whale were near completion, but he had three BIG ones that were still a work in progress.

He was thinking of calling the big three, the strongest of the leaves that were to ever be developed, "Try This", "Vindicate Me", and "Into the Zone." Wasn't entirely sure on how they were going to go, though. But he was passionate about getting them over and done with, he was planning on fully unleashing his inner muse for them. They were to be his proudest creations, the beautiful lovechildren of engineering and musical genius.

But as of right now, he was a little bit stuck. What terrain should he chose? What genre of music? What tempo? What key?

Eventually in his boredom, he looked up at his crown. It had a third of the Tree of Life on it, although shrunken down slightly, it still retained all its power. Only Corrupted. Half of all the power in that third had given him the transformation from the grey hobo that was imprisoned in a cave to his devilishly handsome appearance now, but as for the remaining half...

He knew that if he tried taking the remaining half all in at once now, he would likely be torn apart from the sheer amount of power. Nah. He wanted to live. His original plan (which he went over with Barracuda who agreed with it) was to wait for a month and try it again, seeing what would happen. But what about in-between? Just mope around like a sitting duck? He thought about the possibility of trying, instead of having one large dose a month from now, having smaller doses regularly. Let's see how that'd turn out!

Unfortunately Barracuda was not around to approve of his idea. But oh well, he was the king, it was his decision, as clever as she was the most Barracuda could do was advise.

Wondering if there would be any major changes to his appearance, changes major enough to give Barracuda a little surprise, he took the prism off his crown and between his hands. He blinked, wondering when Barracuda would be done and when she would return from her mission. He rose the prism higher, and leaves started to fall out and into his mouth, just like in New Game. Slowly, though, one at a time.

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