Little Angel

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There are some illustrations to go with this chapter but I'm too lazy/busy to do them now so expect them later.

Also, it's currently 5am and I can't be bothered proofreading and editing it so it may seem a big weird as of the moment. I'll do it tomorrow though.

1310 hours, Industry

"Tetra, Pi," Lumina turned, hissing at her siblings. "What the hell did you two do?"

"Yes. Yes we were the one to free you." Tetra explained to the Angel, seeing that Pi was too exhausted to talk while completely ignoring Lumina's confusion. "We were in a security room and saw that you were floating in that waterfall thing in a camera, and decided to free you."

"Wait, you two WHAT?" Now it was Quin's turn to be shocked.

The angel smiled, clapping her two feathery hands together. "Marvellous! Thank you, my friends! Apologies about the mess, I saw them chasing after you and figured I could intervene, now that I'm freed. I saw you four dash, you are the Guardians?"

"I..." Tetra paused. "That's what everyone seems to call us, yeah."

"Yay!" The angel beamed with happiness like a radiating sun. "I knew that there was hope left! I was getting tired of flying. I think I was stuck in there for days, and my food supply was starting to run short. Thank you for freeing me!"

"Hold up hold up," Quin continued, still confused as hell. "While me and Lumina were being shot at- you two were- What?"

"We didn't find a leaf, but we found this... Angel thing."

"Indeed! Salutations, new friends, my name is Skye! What're your names?"

"I'm Tetra." Tetra pointed at themselves. "The Blonde one's my sister, Lumina, one with Green hair is Quin, and the Ginger who got shot in the back is Pi."

"Interesting. Nonetheless, why're you here?"

"Apparently this place, the Industry, is where the Pink Bastard corrupts everyone."

Skye nodded in acknowledgement before continuing. "I'm aware of that. Fresh is using a Corrupted third of the Tree of Life to corrupt people."

"Oh god damnit."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Because think about it- what else could he use?"

"This is just insulting."

"Agreed- But listen, there was a third of the Tree of Life that was corrupting Mount Clearwater, which we purified. We managed to do it then, so we can do it again now."

"True. That's true."

"Okay, but like- how do we get there now?"

Skye lifted a hand. "I came from there not long ago. I almost got corrupted by it."

"Oh, really? Damn. Damn then."

"I can take you there if you want. I can easily carry all four of you and fly at the same time, plus, I feel indebted to you for rescuing me. I feel as if you're all tired."

Although half of the quartet weren't even aware of the fact that the Angel even existed until then- they nodded, shying away modestly.

"You were right about that last part."

Skye smiled. "Figured. You're all burned and Pi's soaking wet."

"Not even gonna mention the fact that she got shot by a literal lead bullet?"

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