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Once again, terribly sorry about late upload. I swear that this chapter is worth it tho. School's getting really hard for me as of the moment, aND IT'S ONLY GONNA GET WORSE :')

That's why I'm determined to finish this story by the end of the year, so when my final year of High School rolls around next year I'll have more time to focus on studies. Wish me Luck! I should be pulling updates out of my ass more often during the winter holidays in like four weeks. Before you ask I live in the Southern Hemisphere where winter is in July and the school year starts in February and finishes in December. I swear PL is the only thing keeping me sane.

Mount Clearwater Summit, 1715 hours

The sharp ridges of uneven rock of which Quin's blind hands groped gave nothing away on his location. Where was the edge? Where are the nearest doubles? Was he in danger? Everything was covered with a thick dark maroon curtain which he couldn't see past. The damage done to his eyes was absolute. Now totally blinded- Quin's heartbeat went wild as he tried to calm himself down- attempting to locate himself by other means. Sound? No, he couldn't hear much above the roaring sounds of the song coming through his headphones. Touch? He wasn't an earthbender, as much as he wished to be, not to mention the continuous feeling of sweat prickling along his arms. And scent was out of the question.

Considering his options, he decided to take his headphones off, putting them around his neck like how Pi usually does. While he still managed to hear the outside world with headphones on- taking them off would be a better idea than letting dubstep whirs and wubs consume his ears. Lycanthropy was still rambling on about something, god that kid talked a lot. It annoyed Quin, really, how he rambled on almost endlessly. Seems like he's that kind of villain. Quin couldn't care less about what he had to say, right now he was— quite frankly— freaking out. Honestly, anyone would, he just had his eyes permanently mutilated and he's lost his sense of sight.

...Or so it would seem.

It seemed that Lycanthropy hadn't realised what Quin's special ability was, because he kept on rambling on like he wasn't expecting him to move at all or run away. Because even if he did, where would he know where to go? To him, Quin's technically blind.

The pentagon breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm himself down. It's alright. It's okay. Everything's fine. He still had another trick up his sleeve. Question is how he got it out. Deep breaths. Deep breaths to blow away the thundering heartbeat in his ears and throat like a gust of strong wind. Like that would help.

It's okay. A little voice reassured him. It's gonna be okay.

Just as he was beginning to start to see the outlines of his environment in his now obsolete vision- Lycanthropy finally finished his speech. Honestly? Quin didn't know what he was talking about, nor did he care.

"Damnit, I rushed into things too quickly and I was so focused on gettin' revenge on that blonde bitch I didn't think: "Hey, I should take it easy and enjoy this!" Until only you were left. Damn me and my impulsivity- Don't ya wish you can just, I dunno, turn back time? But oh well. Don't worry, don't think just cuz you're blind now Imma go easier on ya, Cutie Pie. I still wanna kill you. Painfully. Just so happens you're blind. Nothin' to worry 'bout! You're still gonna die a really really gory and painful death! Damn, just you and me here, Oh my god I just realised, this is like a date or somethin'! Awesome! We're gonna have tons of fun!"


Then, Quin heard the vibrations and sounds of three pairs of running footsteps. 6 o'clock, 8 o'clock, 7 o'clock, all behind him. The 6 o'clock one was the closest and fastest, so that must be the real Lycanthropy while the other two are just his clones. The beginnings of his vision faded away, and Quin was left blind and disoriented again. But at least he had a slight— though extremely blurry and unclear— idea of where his general location is. He wasn't very close to the edge, so he immediately scrambled to his feet and bolted along the rock, away from where he would assume his attackers were, blindly running and praying to the Tree of Life he didn't miscalculate and accidentally run off the cliff and straight into lava. That would be an embarrassing death, though one that wouldn't be as painful as what would inherently happen if Lycanthropy were to get his claws on him.

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