Bye Bye Baby Blue

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^^^This perfectly describes the next eight chapters

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^^^This perfectly describes the next eight chapters

1355 hours, Industry

When the bright pink drop hit Trist's head and corrupted him, Tetra was clutching him in a death grip while screaming their lungs out from the pain searing across the entire right side of their face. It felt like acid, like magma, like carnivorous insects, all at once eating away at their skin and flesh. Normal corruption did not hurt this much, even literally dying by drowning in lava hurt less than this! For a moment the world turned blurry and spun around them before coming towards their face, but they picked themselves up relatively quickly. There were matters far too important for them to faint now. They stopped being able to see out of their right eye, a blanket of pure red instead of functioning vision. But more importantly...

Their left eye, though, while it was filled with blurry tears, it confirmed to them that their worst fear had indeed come true.

Trist's blue hair had began to turn into the most disgusting pink they had ever seen. Within seconds, his entire body had been warped by the corruption to the point where they didn't recognise him. He looked... Disgusting. And it broke Tetra's heart. They screamed out his name as the other three of their group desperately undid his chains, and he was finally free but still not responsive.

Third and final question: if Trist were to become Corrupted, what would you do?

Shrieking in his face, they still had no response as he just limply sat there, like the corruption had killed him.

Though, after a little while, his eyes fluttered open, revealing a pair of whiteless black orbs. Tetra's heart lurched. Sure, his eyes were black in purity, but at least they reflected light and didn't cover his entire eyes- now he just looked... inhuman. He looked like a demon, a monster, something that wasn't Trist. Wasn't their Trist.

"Trist? Trist! Trist, are you okay?" They desperately yelled in his face while both their hands were clutching either side of his face, keeping it pointed at them. Obviously, either they forgot that Corrupted would attack even their own loved ones on sight, or they were too desperate to care.

The corrupted Trist only stared up at them, blankly. The other three hovered around him, worriedly seeing if he was okay, but he just stayed rock still. The faintest hint of recognition appeared on his face, and everyone collectively held their breath. A good sign?

Until it disappeared, and with a face devoid of all emotion, he lunged with hands prepared to wrap themselves around Tetra's neck.

I... I... Um...

They immediately recoiled with a gasp to avoid his attack, and the corrupted man missed initially, but remained violent. Trist never made many sudden movements, and certainly never any sudden movements that were violent in nature. So this was an entirely new man. Instead of a look of rage, a battle-ready expression, a hate-filled gaze- there was just an absence of emotion on his face.

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