Visions of Paradise

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Eden Hill High School, 1435 Hours

One night, Tetra had a vision.

It was... Peculiar... To say the least.

They dreamed of ominous cryptic messages in a forgotten tongue, malicious shades of pink and the sound of someone crying.

Silent, predatory snakes. Wolf-like boys dancing in silence. A horrible, choking sensation. A malefic grin that might as well have belonged to the ruler of darkness.

They saw confusing, disorientating colours that made Tetra light-headed. They heard screams and cries for help as invisible victims suffocated on nothingness. They saw glowing white chains that snapped, feeling the sharp pain of whiplash that came with it. They felt loss and recovery, victory and death.

They felt themselves falling into the bitter, dark depths of the ocean. They felt themselves soaring through the air on the back of a freed eagle. They felt themselves being held warmly in a cold embrace that seemed so relaxing but so suffocating at the same time.

They saw a sole, glowing white Prism in a lightless cave, giving them a sense of unease despite its purifying, calming white colour. They felt themselves losing all control of their body, consciousness seized by a malicious darkness as they paced slowly against their will.

They heard panicked familiar voices call their name through a barrier of water that muffled all output. They felt themselves falling faster and faster, only to slow down and start rising again. They saw flashes of the world they knew and loved, surrounded by apocalyptic calamity and terror as a demon turned all the grass it stepped on grey. Sometimes they saw snapshots of war, of warrior gods raging against a beast of divine origin.

"deus sum"

The vision ended with them seeing a crown perched upon a pink horned demon's head, the supreme ruler's eyes being filled with a merciless pity.

Needless to say - the entire day Tetra was extremely bothered by the strange dream that they had.

So many shades of pink. So many different voices screaming. This can't be normal. What could any of it mean? Tetra couldn't do much about so they only just sighed as they stared out the classroom window, running each scene shot-by-shot through their mind.

A demon tainted in pink.

What could that mean?

"Hey! Tetragon!"

Immediately a stern, sharp voice slapped Tetra across the cheek back to attention as their head whipped to face the front, eyes immediately wide with attention. The teacher up front stared red-faced at Tetra. Everyone else in the classroom turned around to look at them.

"Were you even paying attention?"

'Yeah. Totally.' Tetra leaned back on their chair, balancing on the hind two legs with a smug look on their face.

"Alright then. Mind repeating to me what I just said?"

"Gladly." Tetra responded by grounding themselves back on the classroom floor, raising their hands to their mouth acting as a megaphone and took a deep breath in.


Immediately everyone in the classroom started snorting and laughing, while the teacher's already red face flushed an even darker shade of crimson. A smug grin spread across their lower face.

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