
280 9 35

Mount Clearwater, 1610 hours

Tetra knew full well that they were going to annihilate Pi's ass.

Pi was too stubborn to agree with that fact.

In fact, the nature of Tetra's power already gave them an upper hand, due to the fact that (if they were spiteful and petty enough) they could basically start the entire fight over from scratch if they were losing. Sure, while Pi would also regain her health, Tetra could carry this on forever if they wanted to, while if Pi were to fall, she falls for real.

On the other hand, in terms of mental clarity and physical energy, these days Pi has been getting more sleep and wasn't as affected by the hot weather as they were. So while Tetra had an OP power, sleep deprivation and irritability were holding them back. And plus, despite the fact that Tetra really was pissed, they still wanted to live for as long as possible and this wasn't exactly a type of situation where they wanted to utilise this power, given the fact that it wasn't as severe as something like, all four of them dying.

It was unfortunate that it was Tetra and Pi who were involved. Any other combination of siblings (excluding Quin and Pi because those two have some serious issues) would've resulted in something that was much less severe than this current situation. Lumina was smart enough to know when to back away, and Quin didn't want any trouble (unless it's with Pi) but Tetra was not in a stable frame of mind and Pi was too stubborn to back down from a fight.

As the particles floated past, occasionally coaxing either one of the two to move out of the way, Tetra and Pi glared at each other with an intensity strong enough to break someone's bones with a single glance. It almost seemed that the corruption that was dancing and swirling around them were also steering clear of the two shapes, like they just know. The massive sphere and cube that were soaring through the air had an unpredictable trajectory, swerving in erratic motions that only corruption can make. Trailing behind the pair of meteors were long tails of light, resembling a shadow though this time it was glowing pink instead. The pink light that illuminated their faces twinkled and danced along their skin, like pink fingers caressing their cheeks, whispering taunting messages in their ears, telling the other to beat the other up into a pulp.

Hard to believe that this started with a joke of all things, huh?

If that didn't describe just how violent the usually upbeat Pi and cool Tetra could possibly get under the right circumstances, I don't know what can.

When each of the siblings are forced into a situation where they have no choice but to fight, each one approaches the battle differently. In Tetra's case, they don't have much upper body strength but they're very slippery and fast, and uses momentum to their advantage, which explains why their punches feel like lightning bolts despite not having as much strength behind them. Pi on the other hand was a bit slower, but the point is that she has the strongest upper body strength out of all the siblings, and has in several cases delivered a blow so devastating that it has knocked out her opponent with one strike. All Tetra has to do is stay out of Pi's way, but then that would turn into a game of cat and mouse. Both knew this fact well. Both have seen and experienced the way the other one fights firsthand.

And another factor that was working against the two of them is that, due to their short height, both siblings were used to fighting against opponents that were much larger in terms of build and strength, where both would use it to their advantage, but the two were far too similar in height to attempt any of their usual stunts. Like slipping between the opponent's legs and giving a painful fist to the nuts if male as the rest of the siblings laughed and cheered on, for example.

Worth mentioning at this point that Lumina and Quin were still screaming at them to knock it off and stop fighting. As they had been doing for the past five minutes. Really, honestly speaking, it was really really dumb for them to fight now when there was Corruption nearby, but neither of them listened nor cared. The two leftover siblings looked at each other, wondering just how they were gonna go about this. This needed to stop, but the corruption seemed to avoid the two fighters.

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