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Nikko Sato

Imagine that, two strangers meet, then they fall in love with each other, they date, then they get married and finally they start a big family. A pretty normal and common love story, right?...

Well, my family isn't normal or common, in fact, I wouldn't dare to call us a family.

My father was a famous volleyball player in the USA. He came from a very rich family that owned a lot of important companies. His family wanted him to take over the company that they had, but when he declined to play volleyball instead, they disowned him at the very young of eighteen. He had to start over his life to fulfill his dream.

 I guess you can say that all of the efforts paid back because he became one of the best setters in the country. At one point in his life, he had it all, money, fame, health, among other things. And he was pretty satisfied with that new life.

My mom lived in Japan and she was a reporter that worked for a famous channel of sports in Japan. She was a very independent and strong woman.

One day my father came to Japan because his team had a match here so he stayed for about a month in Japan and he also took this as a little break from his volleyball career.

Naturally, the sports channel in Japan asked my father for an interview and he accepted. My mother was one of the best reporters that the company had so they wanted her to do the interview.

At the end of the interview, they were so attracted to each other that when the interview was done, he asked for her number and for some drinks. She was single at the moment so she gladly accepted.

One drink...two drinks...five drinks... ten drinks... and they ended up in a random love hotel.

My father took my mother as a one-night stand so he left the next morning without saying anything to her, oh but not before leaving her 10 freaking dollars. And she didn't even use dollars!

My mother didn't of course didn't love him but she felt kind of sad that he just left without saying anything.

They both thought that they would never see each other again and that that was the final of their little adventure... how wrong they were.

My mother found out that she was pregnant about 4 weeks after they had sex. That same day that she was going to tell my father, he was going to come back to the USA. So it was quite a scene to see a crazy lady screaming the name of a famous volleyball player to get down of the plane.

Luckily she managed to catch him and explained the whole situation to him. And that's when things got even worse than they were.

You can say my father freaked out... He begged my mother to get rid of the baby but she denied it multiple times, she was a really stubborn woman. My father didn't want a child because he said that it would ruin his career and everything that he achieved so far. My mother was hesitant at first, and honestly, I can not blame her.

In the end, my mother decided to give birth to me and raise me, of course against my father's wishes. He told her that he would give her the financial support but he would not take part in my life. And he didn't break his promise.

I was raised by a very loving mother that worked but also had plenty of time and love to give me, I didn't have anything more to ask. Of course, I always wondered why I didn't have a dad but after some time I learned not to ask about that man. 

When I was 7 years old, my mother was promoted in her job, the only catch was that she had to go to the USA, she was very hesitant at first but I encouraged her to try new things, of course, we didn't need the money but it was good that my mom was getting promoted.

It was very hard for both of us when we just moved because of the cultural shock but we got used to it pretty quickly. My very first friend that I made was named Jem and we made everything together, you can say we were inseparable. He was the one that introduced me to volleyball.

My mother was against me playing volleyball at first but after she saw how much I loved it, she gave me her permission and even encouraged me to buy volleyball stuff for me. I truly have the best mom.

When I entered Middle school along with Jem, we immediately decided to join the volleyball club. Of course, I played volleyball with Jem before but I didn't know if I was good or bad at it, so I was nervous at first. 

The last thing I expected was being so good at volleyball that a team of High school wanted Jem and me to joined their team. We accepted right away because it was a one-lifetime opportunity.

 It was in a training camp that I knew the Inarizaki team, they only were at a training camp in the USA because someone sponsored them to go.

The first ones to talk to me were the Miya twins to complement my skills, they were in the first year of High school at that time, so they were impressed that someone younger was that good at volleyball. Eventually, I became sort of friends with the Inarizaki team for the rest of the training camp. We even trained together and had fun playing volleyball together. What I didn't know is that was going to be the last time me playing volleyball ever...

After training camp ended they went back to Japan and I thought I was never going to see them again.

 Not even two weeks passed and that accident occurred...the only reason that I played volleyball was gone and it was my fault, I felt devastated and everyone I loved turned their backs on me. I was lost and promised to not play volleyball anymore.

My mother decided that it was better to head back to Japan to "start over". You can say that my mom was very encouraging to me in those times. During those weeks of moving, I did not want anything else to sleep, and of course, eat. So well you already know the reason I chose Karasuno.

When I entered Karasuno I thought that I would never be able to enjoy volleyball anymore, but if there is anything that this team has taught me is to never give up and if you fall, to fly even higher.

So we come back to this moment...


"Nikko." Atsumu said with a smile.



So here is a little bit of the past of Nikko, of course, there is still missing a part that will be later revealed in the story.

I did not give that many details because they will be flashbacks along the story to help describe the scenes better😼


Ly and be safe <3

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