Chapter 7

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I was sleeping (as always) until I heard my phone ringing, I decided to ignore it but it kept ringing and ringing, I internally cursed the person who was interrupting my sleep and pick it up.

"Hey Nikko!, it's me Yachi, I just wanted to ask you if you are okay because practice is almost starting and everyone is here except you" I heard Yachi said. Forgive me, god, I retire my internal curse on precious Yachi.

"Oh yeah yeah, I'm almost there, I just had a little setback but I'm on my way." I lied and tried to sound as awake as I could.

"Yeah no worries, take your time. See you here, bye!" Yachi said and then hung up.

I sighed and saw that it was 6 am, these arent hours to be up so early. I got ready quickly, got my things ready in my bag, and left without having breakfast. I decided to take my bicycle because it would be faster to get there than on foot and I took off.

I finally arrived at the gym and saw that it only took about 20 minutes to get ready and get here, wow I'm impressed with myself. I opened the doors and saw that everyone was already here and that they were warming up.

Yachi and Kiyoko saw me and ran to me.

"Nikko, you said you were almost here, how come you took 20 minutes to arrive?" Yachi asked me with a suspicious face.

"Um well you see... the wind was so strong that I was physically impossible to walk?" I said while I was putting an excuse in my mind. Obviously, it sounded more like a question and it was incredibly stupid.

"It's a sunny day," Kiyoko said giving me a disbelief look and Yachi started to laugh.

Everyone seemed to hear our entire conversation and laughed too. 

" Guys, stop laughing at Nikko, I also noticed that the wind was strong. In fact, it was so strong that I saw a leaf move!" Nishinoya said and everyone laughed harder. I was happy that someone covered my back but the leaf thing didn't sound very believable...

"No way me too! I saw a rose petal move for a second!" Tanaka continued and at that point, it was obvious that they were making fun of me too.

"Poor Nikko, it must have been a traumatizing experience for him" Suga joined the mocking and patted my head. Everyone agreed and said their joke about me suffering because of the wind. 

"Ha-ha-ha. I fell asleep okay!" I said to everyone annoyed and I could feel my face red from being embarrassed. 

Before anyone could say anything coach Ukai arrived "Everyone time to start practicing! Also at the end of the practice stay because Takeda has an announcement" coach yelled and everyone nodded, said goodbye, and left to practice.

Kiyoko, Yachi, and I got everything ready and then sat to watch them practice. I was still sleepy so I took my pillow and blanket out of my bag, so I began to set everything up to take a nap until school began.

"Really?" Kiyoko asked and I looked up to see her and Yachi looking at me with a funny face.

I just shrugged and laid down on the bench, slowly the sounds of the balls and shoes were slowly fading until I fell asleep.


I don't know why I got the inspiration to start writing again, but I will make sure to write a lot meanwhile it lasts.

I literally haven't seen my friends in almost a year and I miss them :( 

But it gives me more time to watch anime and read mangas so I am not complaining.

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