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Nikko Sato

"Nikko...It's really you" Atsumu said with a smile.

Before I could say anything else He immediately wrapped his arms around me without giving me any time to react. He put his head in the crook of my neck and I could feel him sniffing my neck.

I didn't know what to do so I just kinda hugged him back while patting his back.

"Nikko! What the..." Most of all of the Karasuno team interrupted us. Tanaka pulled me away from Atsumu and he and Nishinoya immediately blocked me from Atsumu

"Who are you and what are you doing with our little Nikko" Now it was the turn of Hinata to enter. "Little? I am actually taller than him but whatever" I thought.

"He isn't your little Nikko he is mine and we were just hugging, or is it wrong to hug my friend?" Atsumu got closer to us and looked down and of course the "friend" part threw everyone off.

"What do you mean friend?! You two know each other?! Where did you two meet?" Everyone started asking questions. I really need to talk to the whole Inarizaki team alone at the end of practice. I was getting irritated by everyone.

"First of all I am nobody's possession and second you all need to get back to practice!" I finally stepped in to separate the team and Atsumu from fighting. They act like I can't speak or act for myself and honestly it's irritating.

"Okay sorry sorry I'm going but after practice, we need to talk okay?" Atsumu said to me getting closer and then started heading to the gym.

I looked back at the team and gave them a glare, they quickly understood and ran to the gym at full speed.

At the gym

The practice was over for the day and I was sitting on a bench tying my shoelaces as I overheard a conversation.

"Hey, you!" Tanaka yelled at Atsumu who was talking to Osamu and Kita. The three turned around.

"How do you know Nikko?" almost all of the Karasuno team was surrounding Atsumu. Even Daichi was there.

"The name is Atsumu and how I know him it's none of your business, although it's sad how Nikko never told you about, me" Atsumu said with a frown as he said the last thing. I could see Kita and Osamu asking Atsumu what was all of this about.

"Is Nikko here?" Osamu and Kita thought.

Of course, this attracted the attention of all of the teams so they started gathering around. Well shit

"He asked you a question. HOW DO YOU KNOW NIKKO" Daichi said as he stepped in front of the team. "Daichi you were supposed to keep the peace!" I thought tying my shoelaces faster.

"Atsumu don't be stubborn and answer him. I really don't want another fight because of you" Kita said and pinched Atsumus's ear.

"Ouch ouch okay" Atsumu rubbed his now red ear and you could see Osamu laughing at him.

"If you guys really want to know, I met him while we were playing-" I didn't let him finish that sentence as I ran towards him and threw myself at him with my arms opened, with the impact of my body Atsumu also fell to the floor with me on top of him with my head in his chest.

"That didn't hurt at all," I thought and smiled but failing to see Atsumu suffering all of the impact in his head and back.

"My poor back!" Atsumu cried in silence but happy to see that Nikko didn't hurt himself.

I lifted my head and was met with everyone staring at us.

"OMG Nikko are you okay?!" Bokuto broke the silence and came running to me. He helped me to get back up and I thanked him. Everyone came at me asking if I was okay. Even Kenma and Tsukishima seemed worried.

"Yep, leave me here on the floor to suffer," Atsumu said and everyone looked at him for a second but ignored him and got back to asking me if I was okay. "I'm done," Atsumu thought as he closed his eyes

Bokuto started to inspect me to see if I was "hurt" but he started to touch me EVERYWHERE. He started to touch my chest and then started going down, down, and down until I had to literally take his hands out of my body. "Weirdo"

"I'm fine! Now let me through" I said as I made myself to the crowd and finally helped Atsumu getting back up from the floor. I didn't fail to see the whole Inarizaki team looking surprised at me. "They were there and didn't help Atsumu?! what a great team," I thought.

Of course, they were surprised to see me, they must have heard that I was here but they hadn't seen me after all. I could feel everyone's stare but Sunas stare was starting to freak me out.

"You okay? I'm sorry about that" I apologized to Atsumu taking the opportunity to break the eye contact with Suna. I could tell that Atsumus's back was sore, I may have used a little too much force on him...

"I'm kinda fine, no worries, but why did you do that? Did you want to feel me that bad? You could have just asked you know..." Atsumu said the last part with a smirk and at that moment I instantly dropped him on the floor again. "Where he belongs," I thought.

I walked past him on the floor hissing in pain and went to the Inarizaki team.

"Hi, guys..." I waved at them and they didn't say anything back for a moment. "Shit, did they found out what I did?" I instantly panicked but that expression was changed when they all went to hug me.

"Fuck Nikko, we missed you so much," Osamu said in the hug we all were having.

"I missed you guys too..." I wanted to say but I just smiled and melted more in the group hug



I'm really sorry for the fake update but as I was writing the chapter I accidentally pressed the publish button and I had to delete the chapter because it was not ready. So sorry about it.

But anyway it's here! It's kind of rushed but I hope you like it.


Ly and be safe<3

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