Archer and Adam

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Adam was walking chilling at the nurses' station, he was unsure of how he should feel about his ex-father being here, well he left now. Meredith said he was going to dinner with Lexie. When he looked up he saw a redhead, who reminded him of an old friend's family member. As he got a closer look he was positive that it was Addison Montgomery.

" Addison!", Adam says.

She turns around with a sad panicked look upon her face.

" Um yes, oh wait... Adam is that you?!" she says forming a slight smile.

"Yeah how have you been, I have not seen you in like... 11 years."

Adam was Archers' best friend even if they had very different personalities. Through high school, Adam was always two years younger than Archer but they did not care. SO when they graduated high school they both went to Yale College and were roommates. Addison sometimes visited and hung out with them when they were younger as well. Addison was 8 years older than them, so when she visited hse was in college or doing her residency though. He saw her for the last time 11 years ago, because Adam had already finished college at the age of 19, and was starting medical school a year before Archer. So they went their separate ways but slightly kept in touch. That was until he went and joined the military as a surgeon.

"you were always way too smart for the rest of us," Addison says chuckling.

" yeah, so what brings you here." He asks.

"Adam, Archer is here for Derek to operate on him. He has neurocysticercosis, parasites in his brain." Addison says.

" you got to be kidding me, can I go with you, I have missed talking to him. You know he was my best friend.", Adam says.

"Yeah, follow me," Addison says.

as they walk down the hall towards Archers' room Adam realized something.

"oh wait, or Derek Shepherd's ex-wife. your Derek is this places, Derek." Adam questions.

" yep", Addison says.

"no offense but I hate that guy", Adam says.

"what did he do to you", Addison asks.

"He keeps pursuing my sister, but he cheated on her and she does not love him anymore. He should just mind his own business and stay out of her way." Adam says.

" wait Meredith is your sister, that is strange. she never mentioned herself having a brother." Addison says, still recovering from the new ways of information she just was informed.

"yeah, Meri Did not talk about me much. about 5 years ago I was presumed dead. I had joined the military to be a surgeon and I join their program. but when Meredith was 20 she got a call saying that I was missing and they had a funeral. and I was just found recovered and I'm good now about 5ish months now has passed." Adam says receiving a mind-blown stare from Addison.

That is when they reach Archer's room, he walks in and sees Archer talking to someone named Naomi. Addison's and Archer's friend.

" Hey, missed me?" Adam says.

Archer looks up and smirks.

" Hey man, you work here now.", Archer says as they give each other a bro type of hug.

"Yup sure does," Adam says smiling.

" What happened to you man we always talked and one year you just disappeared.", Archer asks.

"I um may have been taken hostage in the middle east, and ended up presumed dead for five years. But I am back now.", Adam says.

"Everyone in the room looks at him stunned.

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