Its him!

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After leaving the chiefs office her head races, scared of what she will see when she comes face to face with this man they say is her brother. Thoughts are racing, and now she wonders.... What if it is not him if they were wrong?.... A tear streaks down her face and she continues to walk.
She reaches the nurse's station, and says, " Where's the new helicopter trauma patient."
Nurse Debbie replies, " He was taken into OR 2, with Bailey, Torres, and Sloan."
"Oh...Oh god, um thank you..", Meredith says while taking off toward or two. She puts on a mask, and bursts through the OR doors.
"I need to see the patient's face!"Meredith yells at them.
" Dr. Grey leave the OR, this is not your case!", says Dr. Bailey.
"Please I need to see his face! Please..", she pleads.
" Fine Karev, lift up the cover, and help Dr. Grey please.", Sloan says.
Meredith walks over with Alex and watches as he lifts the cover and gasps when she sees the face.

" It's Adam!", she says tears streaming down her face. A mix of happy tears and sad for his injuries mixed in one. She seemed like a mess.
" Greys time to leave!?!", bellows Dr.Bailey while continuing on the operation.
"Okay, um please you have to save him. I can't lose him again, so please." She pleads.
" Meredith, we got him, go," Bailey says in a softer tone.
"Okay he can't,- okay I'll go but he can't..... he can't die you don't understand if he dies I will..... I don't think I can ", Meredith says as she begins to cry harder.
" Karev, please escort Meredith out of the OR so we can continue the surgery make sure she's doesn't come back in here," says Bailey.
Alex with the hand on her waist and guides her out of the doors and into the hallway when she reaches the hallway she collapses into Alex's arms afraid that she's going to lose her brother again.
Alex then says, "Meredith it is okay. you will be okay Adam will be okay. your brother he looks like a fighter and he will make it. "

Meredith controls her tears and says, " he is my brother and he has been there for me through everything, and he's been the greatest inspiration I could ever ... have... After my father left he was there for me. and my mom got busy with work and I had no friends and he was there and I love him.
I can't lose him you guys are my family you, Christina, Izzy, George, Lexi, but he is more than my family he's my best friend keys everything he was my everything and then I remember like what was it like 4 years ago or something ...they said he was dead I couldn't find.... they said he was dead I believed it I believed them."
She takes a second to recompose herself," I knew he wasn't dead though somewhere inside me I knew that he wasn't dead I thought he was alive it took me a while to realize it for years..... I thought he was dead last year last year for some reason I knew he wasn't dead. okay, I'm going to tell you something Alex. and you can't look at me like I'm crazy or anything okay just listen please." Meredith rambles.

Alex nods his head listening to Meredith.
" last year but I drowned I don't know what it was but it's like I saw the afterlife I know it sounds crazy I .....I know but I saw the people that were dead it was my mom's scrub nurse, Denny, the bomb squad guy there were patients of mine that died and they were there and they were talking to me and I thought I was crazy but I don't think I was." A tear rolls down her cheek and she continues talking
" and I asked if I'm dead I want my brother why isn't my brother here. I knew that if I died then I will be seeing my brother He would be the first person I want to see I know you're probably saying it was probably just a dream it wasn't a dream. I say this because right before I woke up or came back to life or whatever the hell it was, I saw my mom she told me to not give up. she told me to fight and to go back and when I woke up my mom was dead."
" after that I feel like thought it was really bad I was there but my brother wasn't dead and now he's here and I feel like I should have tried harder to find him .......I don't know."

"Meredith listen to me.... is not your fault okay you did try you did..... okay it's not your fault you were not the one who did it this time you were not the one who decided he was dead that was not your call.... Okay?" Alex says, trying to reassure his friend.
" Okay... thanks Alex", She says wiping way the rest of her tears.

Dr. Bailey exits the OR, and finds Meredith resting in Alex's arms. When they see her they quickly sit up and look at her waiting for the news on whether the surgery was a success or not.
" Grey, I assume you are family?" says dr. Bailey.
" Mmm Yeah..... he is my brother, please. Really tell me .....tell me that he is okay", Meredith says with desperation in her voice.
" He survived the surgery entry, waking up in a few hours he has some broken bones and we had to take out with appendix and fix his spleen. Dr. Sloan fixed up his cuts and he should still be okay. But we will keep a close eye on him. He was....." Dr. Bailey says before Meredith cuts her off giving her a gigantic hug thanking her profusely.

Dr. Bailey smiles and hugs Meridith back asking her if she would like to go wait for him to wake up.
The three of them all walk down the hall heading towards the room

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